A Wedding and a Funeral

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"How long d'you reckon she was planning on leaving?" Fred asked George. George looked up from where he was sitting at the table to see his brother on the couch. Fred had become less devastated as the days went by, and more angry. George wasn't sure he'd ever seen his brother in such a state.

"I dunno, Freddie. Not long... she's not the best at holding things from you, you know." George replied, testing the waters. Fred's head snapped towards his brother, his face a deep scowl.

"What do you mean? She withheld that she was under an Unbreakable Vow for years!"

"Well, she wasn't exactly dating you. And she was flustered that whole time, everyone knew there was something going on, we just didn't know what." George stated strongly. He held Olivia with enough regard to know that she couldn't have been planning long without he or Fred knowing. She was honest to nearly a detriment, even if she didn't say what was on her mind, her facial expressions and mannerisms gave her away instantly.

"I suppose you're right..." Fred mumbled, turning his head back to the coffee table that he'd been staring at.

"Fred, you've got to calm down. She does everything for a reason, and never does anything to hurt anyone. She must think that what she's doing is important, and she obviously felt she needed to be there."

"She can't use magic, George! She didn't think this through, she didn't-"

"-I know," George interrupted, "I know you wish things were different, so do I. You're not the only one that loves her, we all do. She's family."

And for the first time, Fred realized that while he'd been devastated, George had been reeling. George was right, of course, everyone missed her, everyone was worried.

"I just wish she hadn't been so daft." Fred sighed in defeat, trying to swallow the anger that seemed to bubble up within him so easily.

"That makes two of us." George said stoically, nodding his head down in agreement. Fred tried to think of something, anything else to say, but at that moment they heard a loud crack come from the door, followed by an erratic knock. George raised his eyebrows and both brothers drew their wands and slowly made their way to the door.

The door swung open suddenly and a very frazzled, very pregnant Tonks strode in.

"Have you seen this!?" She nearly screamed, shoving a paper at the boys who scrambled to catch it. "We must go into hiding." She finished, hands on her hips and looking as serious as ever.

Fred's breath caught at the headline,


Rifling through the pages like a madman, Fred tried to find any or all information that could lead him to Olivia, her whereabouts, and most of all, her well-being.

"They infiltrated the Ministry of Magic!?" George asked, mouth hanging open in disbelief. Tonks nodded curtly in reply.

"It doesn't say anything about Olivia." Fred said, looking up blankly at Tonks, whose face softened for the first time.

"If anything bad had happened, it would say. The less news we get, the better they must be." She comforted, knowing he'd been sick with worry.

"She's right, mate... she's also right about hiding. We'd best get our things." George encouraged, knowing full well they'd had their things packed and ready to go for weeks.

"They can't've thought that was a good idea..." Fred looked up at the two other wizards, grasping for support, "the Ministry? They could've been killed... so easily..."

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