A Night of Potters

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"There's no need to worry, love." Fred said, holding a plimsoll shoe, "this will bring me back. Dad and I will be the second group back, just keep your eyes on it."
"O-okay," Olivia responded timidly, playing anxiously with her fingers.
"You'll have mum and Ginny here with you too." Fred smiled, "but I've really got to go now."
"Alright," said Olivia while clearing her throat, "make sure Harry comes back in one piece, yea?"
"I'll do my best." He smiled, walking away. Olivia grabbed his hand quickly, before he was out of reach, and pulled him in for a passionate kiss.
"And promise you'll come back in one piece," she whispered,
"And don't say you'll 'do your best,' Weasley. Promise me." She interrupted, Fred smirked and kissed her head lightly,
"I promise, love."

"Olivia, you really ought to settle down." Ginny eyed her friend nervously, as her hands were clasped together tightly and her foot bounced up and down quickly. Olivia's head snapped towards Ginny at the sound of her voice,
"Oh, er, sorry. I—I reckon I'm just a bit worried... is all."
"Of course you are, darling. We all are." Molly told her, placing her hand on Olivia's shoulder lovingly.
The sudden popping noise out in the yard sent them all up on their feet, Olivia was the first to the door, swinging it open aggressively—she made a note in her mind to apologize to Molly later.
The two Weasley's and soon-to-be Weasley all felt a tug at their hearts at the sight of the rusty oil can appearing with no one. But Olivia's heart dropped more at the next pop, and the plimsoll coming back with nothing. No Dad. No Fred. Her stomach lurched—she wasn't sure if she wanted to scream, throw up, or hysterically cry. She turned to Ginny and the Weasley matriarch with horror in her eyes, opening her mouth to speak, she realized her voice was absent. She could make no sound.
The next pop brought two personages, Olivia rubbed her eyes, trying to make sure what she saw was real. Harry and Hagrid appeared in the yard, and Olivia heard a scream, she assumed from Molly. She stayed behind watching Molly fawn over Harry,
"Harry? You are the real Harry? What happened? Where are the others?" Mrs. Weasley cried,
"What d'you mean? Isn't anyone else back yet?" Harry panted, Olivia's stomach lurched again. He looked at the three women and understood. "The Death Eaters were waiting for us. We were surrounded the moment we took off—they knew it was tonight—I don't know what happened to anyone else. Four of them chased us, it was all we could do to get away, and then Voldemort caught up with us—"
"Thank goodness you're alright," Molly said, pulling him into a close hug. Olivia couldn't help the feeling of anger that rose in her. It was like the tournament all over again. Harry coming back, looking distraught, and her love lost. She turned away quickly, not wanting anyone to see the pettiness on her face, nor the tears that stung the sides of her eyes.
"Haven't go' any brandy, have yeh Molly? Fer medicinal purposes?" Hagrid asked shakily.
Olivia knew she could've summoned it with magic, but Molly scurried into the house, and Olivia was sure it because she too, wanted to hide her face.
"Ron and Tonks should have been back first, but they missed their portkey, it came back without them," Ginny said, pointing at a rusty oil can lying on the ground nearby, "and that one—" she pointed at the plimsoll,
"—should have been Arthur and Fred's, they were supposed to be second." Olivia said stoutly, nodding at Ginny to go ahead with the rest.
"You and Hagrid were third and," Ginny said, checking her watch, "if they made it, George and Lupin ought to be back in about a minute."
Olivia's ears perked up at the mention of George's name just as Mrs. Weasley appeared carrying the bottle of brandy. She handed it to Hagrid, who drank it all immediately, in one go.
"Molly!" Olivia shouted, pointing to a spot several feet away. A blue light had appeared in the darkness, and Lupin and George came into view, spinning and then falling. Olivia gasped as she ran towards them, something had obviously gone wrong. George was unconscious, being supported by Lupin and his face was entirely covered in blood. Olivia was under George's other arm in a second, Harry grabbed his legs and they carried him into the house and onto the couch together. His head hung limply onto Olivia's and she could feel the steady and warm stream of blood getting into her hair and on her face. Olivia gasped again—Ginny too—when the light caught his face. George was missing an ear, and that side of his head and neck were drenched in blood, Olivia could only assume that this is what she must've looked like the night of the Yule Ball. She drew her wand immediately and started casting every healing spell she knew, humming the incantations quickly in a sort of song.
"Olivia—you can't," Ginny said, trying to grab the wand out of her hand. Olivia's head shot up,
"Ginevra Weasley, I assure you that any attempt to take my wand from me at this moment will not be met with kindness." Olivia spoke with a venom that Ginny wasn't accustomed to. Her mouth open and closed like a fish, and Olivia nodded curtly, turning briskly back to George and continued to chant over him. She hadn't noticed that Lupin had grabbed Harry, nor that he was quizzing him about the first time he'd been in his office. Noises swirled around her, but she focused solely on George, she couldn't let anything happen to him. Fred would never overcome it, if anything happened to George. She had no proof that Fred wasn't alright, so she carried on as if he was. Olivia felt a steady hand on her shoulder again and she looked up, an exhaustion passing over her that she stuffed down into her stomach.
"I've got him, darling." Mrs. Weasley told her, Olivia nodded, tears springing to her eyes,
"I-I can't make his ear grow b-back. I'm so s-sorry... the dark magic, I-I can't—" she whimpered,
"It's alright, you've done enough dear. He'll be alright," Mrs. Weasley soothed the girl. Olivia stood up, just in time to see Arthur and Fred walking through the door.

Fred had never been one to scare easily, until he'd met Olivia that is. It wasn't that she scared him, but he didn't think he ever fully recovered from seeing her nearly die in his arms at the Yule Ball. And the terror at the prospect of never seeing her, being incapable of helping her and thinking she was dead for a year? The fear was palpable. Unfathomable. He couldn't think of anyone he cared about as much, except that is, for George. He was sure after having her back, he wouldn't ever need to be that scared again, but, coming into the Burrow to see Olivia and George, whose faces were both drenched in blood—he nearly died.
Olivia was standing there, tears in her eyes, and blood sticking her hair to her face. And George was splayed across the couch behind her, gaping head wound and unconscious. He was lost for words.
"Fred, it-it's George. He's alright, but, well, it's his ear. I tried, but I couldn't—" she stumbled over her words at the sight of him, she was ecstatic to see him, to have him there in good health in front of her. But the overwhelming emotion he must be experiencing over George, she didn't want to bring herself in between it. He rushed to her, holding her face and examining her head—his face scrunched up in thought. "What're you—what, why are you doing this?" She asked puzzled as he held one side of her face into the light.
"How could you be bleeding? Why are you hurt? You didn't come with us... how, why... what happened!?" He mostly spoke to himself, trying to figure out what was wrong. The stress is his voice was alarming.
"Fred—what!? Never mind me, it's George's blood—I'm fine!" She sighed, "go to him!"
Fred had a look of relief sweep across his face, and dropped his hands, striding over to his brother—who by the sheer presence of his twin was roused back into consciousness.
"How do you feel Georgie?" Mrs. Weasley whispered,
George's fingers groped for the side of his head.
"Saint-like," he murmured, Olivia furrowed her brow.
"What's wrong with him?" Fred croaked, looking terrified,
"Is his mind affected?" Olivia asked, coming up behind Fred and staring down at George.
"Saint-like," George repeated, opening his eyes and looking up at them both, "you see... I'm holy. Holey, Fred, geddit?"
Mrs. Weasley sobbed harder than ever, and Olivia rolled her eyes. Fred's pale face flooded with colour again.
"Pathetic," he told George, "Pathetic! With the whole wide world of ear-related humour before you, you go for holey?"
Olivia snickered and made her way back up to the kitchen, grappling with clouded vision on her way. The use of magic had certainly affected her, and she was fighting against her body to remain conscious and upright. She wasn't sure what would happen, with using magic, the doctor hadn't explicitly known and told her. He just said to be weary, and that it could tear away at her strength and magical longevity. She overheard George's voice asking something about Bill and Ron, but she didn't know what else was said. Lupin stood in front of her, looking quizzically at her state. She'd grabbed hold of a chair, and was using it to anchor herself onto her feet.
"Olivia, are you quite alright?" He asked, an arm outstretched towards her. Olivia opened her mouth to say yes, she was fine, or she would be fine, but closed it as a sudden pang in her stomach hit her. She felt like she was going to throw up, and lose consciousness all at the same time. A pain emanating in her abdomen was too fierce to overcome, all she could muster was a quiet and whimpering,
Lupin caught her as she fell, her body limp as he lowered her to the ground. Ginny looked over and gasped softly,
"I told her not to..."
"Not to what? Who?" Fred asked, realizing he'd lost track of Olivia again. He turned to see where Ginny was pointing and for the second time that night, his heart stopped.
Fred stood vigil at her side until she came to, he had everyone check over her, to see what was wrong. All anyone could figure was that she'd overextended herself and become too fatigued. She'd used complex magic on healing George, much more complex than he'd even known she was capable of. Ginny told him how Olivia had reacted when she tried to take over, and he knew how fierce she could be—no one could fight her on somethings. George felt awful, that he'd been the cause of her overwhelming sickness, but there was nothing anyone could do to stop it. The night couldn't have gone more wrong, and everyone was emotionally spent and exhausted, scared, and dealing with the grief of losing Mad-Eye.
Fred had managed to get all of George's blood off of her face and neck, she looked more like herself—only more peaceful, in what seemed like a perfectly dreamless sleep. He was slowly nodding off by the time she came around, her eyes opening gently, blinking away the sleep a few times.
"How're you feeling, love?" He asked, the darkness of his old room hiding his face,
"I'm alright, Cedric, what happened?" She asked, looking around. Fred froze, Cedric, she'd called him.
"It's not Cedric, it's me, Fred."
"R-right, of course..." she said thoughtfully, he breathed out a sigh a relief, "where's Cedric, then?"
"He... well, love, h-he died... don't you remember?" Fred asked frightened,
"Oh... he did, that's right..." Olivia was pensive, she couldn't quite grasp all the thoughts swirling around her.
"Something's wrong." Was all Fred could manage to say,
"What happened?" She asked, "I remember things once you say them, but not until you do..."
Fred held her hand in his, closing his fingers lovingly around hers. He didn't know what was wrong, nor did he have any access to anyone that would know. Sitting still for a moment, he decided to just go ahead and tell her everything that had happened.
"Well, love, I'll start from the beginning."
This chapter was SO fun, I had the book right next to me!

I hope you guys enjoy!! I'm pretty slammed this week with final papers and things, but I hope to have another chapter out to you fairly soon!

Thanks SO much for all the continued support, I absolutely ADORE reading your comments and seeing your votes, thank you, thank you!!

This is unedited—sorry!!

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