The Hogwarts Express

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"Where were you?" Her father asked as she entered the house. Olivia had just left Grimmauld Place, Fred had taken her home and she ushered him away quickly— not wanting her parents to see him.
"With the Weasley's. Harry was visiting them— invited me along." She spoke slowly, hoping that her father wouldn't press for any more information.
"You mean, you went out and saw... friends?" Her mother asked incredulously,
"Er, yea... I suppose."
"That's wonderful!" Anna ran towards her daughter and swept her into a tight hug.
"I'm sorry dad, for leaving... I know you wanted to spend the day together-" Olivia began, but her father found his way into the embrace that her mother had started,
"I just wanted you to go out, and you did. I'm happy with that." He told her.
It seemed like an eternity before Olivia was able to free herself from her parents clutches, but she finally made her way into her bedroom. She threw herself down on her bed and turned towards the picture of her and Cedric as children.
"You wouldn't have believed what happened today, Ced..." she remembered Sirius Black sitting at the dinner table, Hermione and Harry across from him. Fred had shown her Buckbeak before they left, living in the closet of one of the rooms upstairs. "But... I reckon it was a good day."
She couldn't stop the tears that made their way down her cheeks, gripping Cedric's wand tightly in her hands, she wished that he was there— wanting nothing more than to tell him about her day. It had been a good day, and that made her feel terrible.
The day before she had to leave for Hogwarts she went to visit Cedric's grave, she ran her hands over the headstone and sat cross legged in front of it. She had picked a bunch of yellow flower on the way, and laid them across his grave. The sun was shining, and the hill looked out onto a beautiful bunch of trees and flowers.
"You would have loved this view." She whispered.
She spent the entire day there, wondering what Hogwarts would be like without him, and wishing that the earth would swallow her up so that she could stay there with him.
Platform 9 3/4's was as busy as ever, her parents had dropped her off at the front of Kings Cross Station— having work to go to, they weren't able to walk her in. She had been standing on the platform with her trunk for only a few minutes before she heard a loud commotion of people. Turning her head to look, she saw the Weasley's, along with Harry and Hermione. She'd even noticed a familiar black dog and shook her head knowing the great risk that he was taking being there. It wasn't long before Fred noticed her and made his way over,
"Can I help you with your trunk, love?" He asked her, she started to shake her head no, but he had already taken it out of her hands.
"Thanks." She murmured, tilting her head down towards her feet. The last time they had spoken, she'd told him she loved him. She wasn't sure where they stood. The train arrived shortly and she followed Fred, along with her things, in. She was biting her thumbnail nervously as she found her way into a compartment that he'd chosen. He frowned and pulled her hand away from her face,
"What's on your mind?" He asked, never having seen her bite her nails before. Olivia shrugged and sat herself down. He took the seat across from her. "Something's bothering you love, you ought to figure out what or it'll just keep bugging you."
"I just... I miss him. It doesn't feel real, being here, without him." She spoke softly, no inflection, just a pathetic, small voice. Fred moved beside her and wrapped his arm around her shoulder, she turned to him and felt the familiarity of being in this exact position on the train— only, with Cedric.
"I know." Fred sighed. They sat in silence, waiting for the train to move. George and Lee poked their heads in, finding Fred they sat down across from them.
"How are you, Olive?" George asked, she looked at him, not caring enough to correct her name.
"I'm fine George, how are you?" She asked,
"I reckon, I'm great. The joke shop is well on its way!" He smiled,
"It's a wonder you two even came to Hogwarts this year." Lee laughed, Olivia looked at the two, and then towards Fred who smiled.
"That's great news." Olivia had a tight-lipped smile on her face, it was the best she could manage, "lots of new inventions, I assume?"
"Heaps," George started,
"Loads," Fred said,
"But you know-"
"We were thinking that maybe-"
"A clever Ravenclaw, like yourself-"
"Might be just what we need." Fred finished, Lee and George watched her giddily.
"What do you mean?" Olivia lifted her head, curiosity getting the best of her.
"We mean," George smiled,
"That you-" Fred continued,
"Could be a partner-"
"At Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes!" It was Fred who said it, but all three boys stood up and held their arms out. Olivia furrowed her eyebrows,
"I'm not very good at pranks though, I don't think it'd be sensible to have me as a partner..." she trailed off,
"Ah, young Miss Wood, you don't understand. You would be the brains behind the whole operation! You'd help us make prototypes, and bring the ideas to life!" George waggled his index finger at her,
"But only if you want to, love." Fred told her gently. She looked at all three boys, they all had pleading looks on their faces. She had gotten O's in all of her subjects, her parents had been so happy— unsuccessfully trying to coax her out of bed for a celebration, so she knew she would likely be able to help the twins and Lee out a fair amount.
Fred and George had decided to ask her, knowing that she would not only feel lonely at Hogwarts and wanting to make sure she had something to do, but they also knew that she was smarter then both of them, and could likely weed out any error in the production of their products more efficiently than they could.
"If you'd really like me to, then sure." She wasn't sure why she agreed, but she thought about Cedric and how he would have wanted her to be wild and have fun— even without him.
The three explained everything that there was to know to Olivia, who was taken aback by how far they were in their business plan and shocked by their, for once, serious tone.
"I really don't think that testing on first years is the best idea..." she spoke up reluctantly while they were conversing, Fred looked up at her and rolled his eyes,
"Love, we'd be paying them."
"Really Olive, we're not savages." George nodded. Olivia sighed and looked to Lee who nodded along with George.
"Okay... I suppose if we pay them."
"That's the spirit, love!" Fred wrapped his arms around her and squeezed her tightly. She was never one for pranks, or even for enjoying them, but she knew she had to do something this year other than mourn the loss of Cedric.
"It's time to go." Luna shook Olivia's arm,
"What?" Olivia realized that she hadn't paid attention to any of the speeches or the sorting, and that the entire feast and festivities were done. She hadn't been hungry, but cursed herself for not eating at least a bun, knowing she'd regret it later on in the evening. She'd gone out of her way to avoid Cho, not wanting to delve into the loss of Cedric with her, not to mention she also felt guilty for not responding to any of her letters over the summer. As she made her way up the stairs towards the Ravenclaw common room she felt Fred slip his hand into hers and walk up beside her. It was strange, his hand in hers, his fingers intertwined with her own— she felt a calm run over her.
"Is this alright?" Fred asked, giving her hand a tight squeeze.
"S-sure... I think so." She replied, genuinely uncertain about how she felt. He smiled and puffed his chest out, acting as if he'd just won a prize.
"Listen," he lowered his voice, "do you want to spend the night in my dormitory?"
"What do you mean spend the night?" She looked at him suspiciously, he laughed,
"Merlin, Wood, I didn't mean that. I just know that you... spent a lot of time with Diggory, and you might not want to... be on your own... just yet." He spoke each word very carefully, not wanting to say anything incorrect or trigger her in any way. She nodded thoughtfully and realized that he was right. She had rarely ever slept in her own bed,
"I'd like that." She told him honestly,
"Then, let's go." He tugged her hand and they set out to the Gryffindor tower. Once there he dropped her hand, "sorry love, you're going to have to cover your ears."
"I don't see why, I knew what the password was for most of last year." But nonetheless, Olivia brought her hands up to her ears and rolled her eyes before closing them, opening them again only when she felt a whisper of a kiss on her nose. She blushed at Fred's sly smirk, and he led her into the Common Room.
"We've just got to get this up on the board, love." Fred told her, holding out a poster. Olivia snickered when she read it, an open call for testers for their products. George appeared behind her, leaning on her shoulder, and helping Fred straighten it out. Harry came into the Common Room, waved to the three of them, and made his way straight up the stairs to his dormitory. Olivia figured he must be exhausted after all he'd been through over the summer.
"C'mon love," Fred reached for her hand again, making his way up to his dormitory. She shyly reached for his hand and and let herself be towed along behind him. There were very few people in the common room, but she was still reticent to be seen being led into the boys dormitories. They reached his dormitory and Fred threw himself onto the bed, patting beside himself at the empty space for Olivia. She gingerly sat down, kicking her shoes off and looked at him,
"I don't have any sleeping clothes." She pursed her lips, wondering if she should go to the Ravenclaw tower and grab some.
"Here," Fred said, rummaging through his things, "wear this." He handed her a long t-shirt. She held it awkwardly, hoping he'd understand that she wanted privacy to change. He got up from his bed, drew the curtains, and motioned for her to change inside. When she opened them again she was just in her socks and his t-shirt, which hung around her knees. He crawled into the bed beside her and the both lied on their sides, facing one another. He ran his hands through her hair,
"I think your hair looks nice." He whispered, she held his hand against her head,
"Thank you. Yours is nice too, shorter." A blush crept up her face and she was thankful that the curtains were drawn.
"I missed you this summer." He told her, before laying onto his back. She nestled into his side and felt a sad pang in her stomach— she and Cedric slept next to one another nearly every night and now, she was here in Fred Weasley's arms. She felt as if she was besmirching his memory by lying here with Fred, and fought to push those thoughts away. Fred had fallen asleep quickly, shortly after turning onto his back, and she listened to his breathing. Olivia reluctantly let herself fall into a fractured sleep, wishing for something she never thought she'd miss. The burning of her arm.
They woke up a bit later than the rest of the Gryffindor house, and Olivia walked down to the Great Hall with Fred and George, biting her thumbnail the entire way.
"-I wish Fred and George would hurry up and get those Skiving Snackboxes sorted." She heard Ron say.
"Do mine ears deceive me?" Fred asked pompously, and he, George, and Olivia squeezed in next to Harry, "Hogwarts Prefects surely don't wish to skive off lessons?"
"Look what we've got today," Ron said in a grumpy voice, he shoved his timetable under Fred's nose. "That's the worst Monday I've ever seen."
"Fair point, little bro," said Fred, scanning the columns, "you can have a bit of the nosebleed nougat cheap if you want."
"Why's it cheap?" Ron asked suspiciously,
"Because you'll keep bleeding until you shrivel up, we haven't got an antidote yet." Said George, picking food from the serving platters onto his plate.
"Cheers," said Ron, putting his timetable away, "but I think I'll take the lessons."
"Our Olivia here will get the remedy out in no time, ickle ronniekins, so don't you worry about that." George casually wrapped an arm around Olivia and pulled her close,
"Oh, no, not you too Olivia." Hermione groaned, "they've roped you into this?" Olivia shrugged,
"Well, it was this, or..." Olivia trailed off, realizing that the end of the sentence would be or cry over Cedric, but she didn't have the heart to ruin everyone's breakfast, "sorry, I really ought to head over and get my timetable." She excused herself and quickly stood, shaking George's arm off of her shoulders. Fred softly pawed at her hand as she went, probably wanting to ask her what was wrong she thought, but she tore her hand away swiftly before he could get a grip on it and strode away towards her house table. She found a seat next to Luna and tried to keep her eyes levelled with her table so as to not meet Fred's.
"I grabbed your timetable for you." Luna said dreamily, passing her a paper.
"Thank you," Olivia said, turning it over in her hands. Defence Against the Dark Arts, Ancient Runes, Divination, Potions, and double History of Magic. She looked up towards the professors table and saw a toad-faced woman dressed head to toe in pink staring down at her. She was not looking forward to the prospect of meeting her.
Whaaaat? Two chapters in one day?
No school does this to you.
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Stay safe, stay healthy, stay groovy, and most importantly— WASH YOUR HANDS. :)

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