The Choice

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"Why would we break up, Bon? We like each and we're really good together." "You guys argue all the time," I say with a straight face. "We're teenagers and one of those teenagers happens to be a vampire with heightened emotions, so yes we're going to argue." She rolls her eyes. "That doesn't make consistent arguing normal, Care. It's weird." I shrug and cross my arms. "Look, until you fix your mess with your two loverboys, you have no place to talk about me. This bathroom conference was about you not me. You. Not me." She nods her head as she says you and shakes her head as she says me while she points back and forth between us. I can't help but giggle at her behavior and she joins in with a bright smile on her face. 


Yesterday and part of today has been rough for us as I've been crying for most of the time since we got here. "But Nik, I don't want to leave them I didn't want to get kicked out from my first family. You all are the world to me, and we've been through so much together, but I can't handle more loss." Nik holds me in his arms while he strokes my hair. "I know how important they are to you, and I hate to see this side of you, but Lena you have to stop crying. He holds both sides of my face and looks in my eyes. "The way they pushed you away, I can gaurentee they're not as hurt as you are." He wipes my tears and kisses my forehead. I sniffle and nod my head and takes me back in his arms. At this moment, Rebekah walks in with a mission garnering our attention.

"I can assure you my lovely sister, my lunatic brother is right. They were all at the grill laughing with each, and they all seemed pretty cozy." I sit up and scrunch my face. "Bekah, what do you mean?" I ask even though what she said was clear and self-explanatory. "Honey, they don't care, and I think at this point you need to just focus on us. We got your back and there's so much we need to work on and figure out as a family." I look down in disapoinment as I take in everything she's saying. I don't want the others to sit there in hysteria as I've been doing, but I thought that they'd care more for me. "Who did you see?" I ask quietly with a bit of anger. "Bonnie, Stefan, Caroline, and Matt." I nod my head. "Elena-." I put a hand up to stop her from talking. 

"You don't have to worry about them, love, you have us. I promise." Nik grabs my hand and rubs the back of it with his thumb. I smile at him then I smile at Rebekah. "I know, and I'm grateful." "Well, Elijah called me and he says we should come to New Orleans." "As in move there? I have to fix everything first before I move." "No not move there. He and Kol went to figure some things out about us. However, we will be moving there when you graudate." "We never discussed this." "We did you were just a new edition, and we assumed you would be alright with that." "I need time for that. I mean, this is my home, Niklaus." "We understand that, Lena and you have the rest of the summer to figure it out." Rebekah says gently. 


Stefan and I are taking a walk alone, and we've talked about so much I almost forgot to tell him what Care and I discussed. "Caroline and I had a talk today, and I came to a realization. "Oh? And what was that?" He says looking at me expectantly. "I don't think we like each other. I just think we have a connection because of everything we went through, and we confused it with our feelings for each other. I don't want to hurt you because you've been hurt enough, but there's a difference between someone needing to be in your life to comfort you and teach you life lessons and dating someone. I want you around because you keep me sane, and I need you around because you understand me and relate to me sometimes. But we can't happen." Stefan smiles and hugs me tightly and I hug him back. He pulls away first and looks at me.

"I agree Bonnie, and I'm happy you said that. I tend to cope with my pain the wrong way, and I need to be able to fix myself in solitude, and once I do that, I can fix things with Damon. I've hated him for so long, and that stemmed from the love of the same woman and it's time to grow past that. Thank you for being here for me, I'll always cherish your kindness, Bonnie. Looks like we both have something to do with the ones we care about." "Looka like we do." I give him a soft half smile while rubbing my arm. "I'm assuimg you want to be alone right now to get your thoughts in order, and I know I should do the same. I hope everything goes good for you." Stefan says softly while smiling at me. "You too." We both turn and walk in opposite directions.

Stefan goes to the boarding house and I go to the Gilbert's home. I knock on the door and Jeremy's shoulders slump as soon as he sees me. "If you're planning on ending a relationship that never started, leave me alone. At least I'd completely know what else to be angry about.' He says in a monotonous voice which catches me completely off gaurd. I'm so shocked I have to stop him at the last minute from closing the door in my face. "No. Wait Jer, I just wanna talk. I'm here because I want to be with you and only you. I'm sorry I hurt your feelings to hav come to that realization. Please don't give up on me." His face lightens up as he looks at me with shock. I bite my lip nervously and he pulls me into a tight hug. 

"I thought I had no one left. I thought I was alone, Bonnie. Thank you." My shirt is wet and I realize he's crying while also realizing that we're still in the entrance of the house. "Jeremy, we should go inside." He tries to discreetly wipe the tears but his eyes are still glossy with tears. "Right." He turns his face away from as he lets me in and closes and locks the door after me. I gently turn his face towards me. "Jeremy, you don't have to hide in front of me. That's what I'm here for." He looks at me with a look of contemplation. "If you want me, you accept my sister too. I get it. She's changed and it's hard to adjust too but if everyone left me today, she'd still here by my side regardless of who she's married to. We're all we have left, and I can't lose her." He looks at me seriosuly and I all I can do is blink at him.


As we're packing, I'm in deep thought about my choices and I think Nik and Rebekah notices because they leave me alone. I take a deep breath and make sure the choice I'm making is the choice I'm set with. "I'll move to New Orleans after Jeremy's graduation because by that time, he'll love me again and that'll give him time to figure out whether he wants to move with us or stay here. Not a moment before." Nik grabs both sides of my face and kisses me deeply. He pulls away first while looking in my eyes and still holding both sides of my face. "I hope you know I plan to wreak havoc until we leave." "And I'll be right ny your side as you do." 

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