The Spell

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Past Day: Nik
I am preparing what I need for the full moon tonight when Henrik comes into my room. "Will you take me to see the wolves tonight?" He asks in giddy excitement. "My dear little brother, I would love to but that is dangerous for the both of us." I smile at him and continue preparing." He steps in front of me and gives me a pouty face. It's three people on this earth that can shake me with this face: Rebekah, Henrik, and Elena.

I sigh a breath of defeat and look at his expectant face deeply. "Fine. I'll take you, but you must not stray from me." "I won't, Nik, I promise." He eyes light up brighter than the son. This makes me smile because I've never had this with Mikael, so having this moment with my brother will suffice. "Go finish your preparations little brother." I fondly watch him run out the room to find Elena coming in after him while trying to dodge his full on sprint.

"Don't go." Are the only words that come from Elena's serious expression. This look upon her graceful features nags at my soul causing my knees to become weak. I sit and study whatever emotions I can find that emit from her eyes. "You heard our conversation?" This is the only thing I can ask her before she kneels in front of me and grabs both of my hands.

"I did and I have this dreadful feeling in the pit of my heart that doesn't want either to leave safety. Please tell me you won't jeopardize both of your lives for his kid-like excitement." She practically begs me but I have to look away. "I can't hurt him. The reason I want to go is because of his kid-like excitement. Mikael already destroys it each day along with the help Finn. He deserves someone to be soft with him.

I stroke her face as I see her eyes contemplating an idea. "Take me with you then." All the life drains from me as I hear her cognition float into the air. "No." I say with a straight face while looking away. "Please. Trust me when I say you'll want me there. I'll explain to you later why I'm so adamant about this. Trust me. As your future betrothed, trust me." The look in her eyes takes the air from my lungs, and I have no choice but to give in.

Present Day: Stefan
We sit at the table in my kitchen as Caroline tries to wrap her head around what happened. "Wait. You mean to tell me that I was kidnapped by evil Elena, she fed me blood, and then proceeded to murder me by hanging me!" Her already soft, high-pitched voice gets even more high-pitched further in her sentence. "I don't even remember any of that. Wow."

As she sits there in shock, I watch Bonnie gently grab her hand in support. I smile at her caring ways. She's hurting so much right now but still chooses to lend her to her friends. My thoughts and observations are cut short by Bonnie speaking. "I'm going to regret saying this, but we can do anything you'd like considering all you've been through.

"Really!" Caroline's eyes lights up like a wealthy neighborhood on Christmas. "We are going to update our wardrobes so well even Tyler won't fix his big, fat mouth to disrespect me. Do you think this will make me cuter to Matt? Being a vampire and all?" She looks between Bonnie and I for an answer. "I raise my eyebrows at to empathize that this is your friend so this is your question to answer.

"Matt can't know. It's already enough having him and Tyler around with us trying to get Elena back." Caroline huffs in disappointment and Bonnie eyes get panicky. "We can't put anyone else in danger, Care. Trust me when I say this is for the best. Also, you need to get yourself and your newfound personality and habits in control before you can personally be with him again." "Fine." Bonnie looks at me with relief etched all over her features, and I smile in return.

Past Day: Elena
As we're walking to the cages, I become more nervous with each step we take. I can't help but to keep thinking of the image of poor Henrik being mauled by the wolves. I contemplate on ways to protect all three of us but I keep coming up short with Nik asking me every ten minutes or so if I'm alright. We finally make it to the caves and set up where we want to sleep.

Rebekah, Nik, Henrik, Kol and I are in the same area which is as far away from his parents and Finn we could get. Elijah and Tatia have found their own area to be in, and the rest are together. "We should carve our names into the stone. That way our names will be etched in here forever." Rebekah's idea takes my mind off the events that I am in to partake in tonight.

"That's a great idea Bekah and our names should be next to each other." I agree excitedly. "I can't believe you'd partake in this activity without us." Tatia says in mock offense as her Elijah come into our area. "We wanted to come join you lot for a bit before we went to sleep." Elijah continues. "Back to the name carving idea, you don't want our names to be next to each other?" Nik gives me fake pout.

I laugh at his antics arm stroke his face mockingly. "We'll write our names next to each under Rebekah's name." I smile at him. "I like that compromise he says satisfied. We all carve our names into the stone wall and continue to talk and play around until everyone has gone into their respective areas to sleep. Once everyone had fallen asleep, we for another fifteen minutes to make sure everyone is truly asleep then we set out.

Present Day: Klaus
I get a call from the other witch I'd been working with, and I immediately answer hoping she'd found a way to get Elena back. "I have a lot of news would you like to hear it over the phone or in person." She skips the formalities and speaks in a rushed tone. "Is it in regards to Elena?" "Yes and of another problem." She say problem with hesitant caution.

"What do you mean problem?" I ask on a low voice. "Would you like the news over the phone or in person." She completely ignores my question. "I do not like games as you know now answer my question. What problem?" I growl lowly while gripping my phone. Silence greets me for a few seconds until I hear the timid voice of the witch again. "Katherine is back." I hang up the phone before I can get news of my Elena.

I storm out the house and speed to the Salvatore's boarding house. I kick down the door and grab Bonnie by her neck holding her up against the wall. "Little witch I don't know if this is apart of your plan to conspire against me, but I've already found it out." She claws at my hands causing me to tighten my grip. I'm so caught up in my anger I don't notice Stefan charging towards me.

Stefan and I tumble to the ground and before I can do any damage, I'm holding my head in pain. "Your witch called and she and Bonnie know how to how get Elena back." Stefan says in a rushed tone. As soon as his sentence is over, the pain goes away and he's right at Bonnie's side seeing if she's alright.

Past Day: Elena
"Elena this is going to be so fun to watch. You'll see and you won't feel scared anymore." He whispers in excitement while grabbing my hand. "I believe you little one. I can't wait to watch them with you." I squeeze his hand gently and exchange a loving smile with Nik. "We'll go in this area because they don't come this way on their path." Nik leads is to this secure hiding spot filled all sorts of bushes.

As soon as we make it to the spot, we see the wolves come into view. "Wow." I say breathless. "They are beautiful." "See I told you, Elena." He looks at me with a wide smile. The moonlight gives them this majestical look but I'm taken out of my trance by Henrik walking forward.  Nik hurriedly snatches him back and and he turns disappointed.

"I just want to get a little closer. Please?" He gives the long face causing Nik to give in and let him step a little closer. We step closer with him and I stand by his side with Nick standing behind him. The next few moments happen faster than blinking when your eye burns. Because I'm standing by Henrik's side, I'm able to knock him back into Nik and step in front of him.

I feel white hot pain as my vision blurs starting at the corners of my eyes and moving it's way over my entire vision. Everything feels so light as I struggle to breath. "Mother! Father! Please help! It's Elena she's been attacked!" I know he's yelling by the vibrations from his body but he sounds so far away. Before I can slip into unconsciousness, I hear Esther saying she has a spell to prevent this from happening again.

A/N: I already have two books that are coming after this one. Which should come next, the prequel or sequel?

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