The Sickness

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Past Day: Elena
There are a few things I've learned in these two weeks: time has felt slower, Henrik won't change until 18, and Nik and I will do anything for each other. When I say anything, I mean anything and everything. Typically, a sire bond works one way, not both, but in my life, what does work the way it's supposed to. I'm assuming it's because he changed due to Tatia's blood and then fed me his blood.

I've been in my own head a lot since the time I've woken up and that worries Nik. He thinks I'm second-guessing our marriage, but I'm far from that feeling. Even if I wanted to, his father would find a way to kill us. Everything is all too surreal for me. It's all in good nature, however, just a bit overwhelming. In the morning, Rebekah and Esther work on my dress while asking for my opinion. I give them my thoughts even though it feels so empty without Tatia helping.

As the girls work, the guys work on our cottage far away. Mikael was not all talk when trying to get rid of us, mainly Nik. Because we've changed, we decided to bring Rebekah and Henrik along. Henrik begged to come with us and Nik nor I could deny him. I had to beg and plead with Rebekah to come with us. We've become closer due to Tatia's passing, and I didn't want to leave her nor be away from her.

Present Day: Klaus
I've finally decided to come to terms with my love for Elena considering I'm sired to her. I didn't think I'd feel it all the way here but I do. She courses through my veins, and the more I try to avoid it the more miserable I become. My witch is finally here now all we need to do is wait for Damon to bring Katerina in.

"I'm getting impatient." I look up from the rim of my bourbon. "It's Kathrine we're talking about, Klaus. Give it some time. This was a one-man mission." Stefan says and I sip my bourbon in response. I can assume they'd believe I'm impatient because I'm controlling and always want things my way. However, I fear the longer she stays the more she'll slip away. She knows a different me, but the more I watch her stay to herself, the more I fear she'll come to resent me.

I've promised myself to never love another doppelgänger after Tatia and just use them for what I needed them for. I can't do that with Elena. She gives me something I wanted but ran away due to fear or never had: a family. The comfort, love, and loyalty I receive from her are uncomfortable and overwhelming, but I enjoy it. I've removed myself from these feelings long ago, and I still put up a fight, but this is the first battle I am willing to lose and not run away from.

Before I can continue to wallow in my thoughts the doorbell rings. Stefan opens the door to an exhausted Damon and an unconscious Katerina at his feet. "I must ask, how did you manage to catch the modern-day Gypsy?" I hear myself ask in shock laced with hate. Damon takes a deep breath and sighs as Stefan picks up her lays her on the couch. "It was a struggle and I'd like to get a drink first." He closes the door behind him and drinks out the bottle.

"You know, Stefan, I would tie her up to the most uncomfortable chair in the with vervain laced daggers in both her hands, thighs, and feet," I smirk. "Jesus Klaus, we get it, you're a psychopath." Caroline scrunches up her face in disgust and moves away from me. I shrug in response and take another sip of my bourbon.

Past Day: Elena
It's later in the night and the boys are all home. I'm cooking dinner by myself considering Rebekah and Esther have decided to work longer on the dress. Henrik comes into the room and he looks different. He sits in the chair next to me defeated. "Dear Elena, I'm not going to make it." I turn to him quickly almost giving myself whiplash. "Oh, Henrik what do you mean." I kneel in front of him and caress both sides of his face.

I almost pull away from how hot he feels, but I control my impulses to continue to comfort him. "I've been feeling sick for quite some time now, but I was too afraid to tell someone." He looks at me fearfully as tears rush down my face. "Why would you be afraid we would've helped you. We'll still help you, dear Henrik." I stroke his face as he lets out a violent cough.

"Mother has been giving me remedies at my father's request. I've been faking how I've been feeling but it's getting harder. My father doesn't want me to change yet. I have four years until I'm eighteen. I don't think I can make it for four more days. I'm in so much pain." He cries harder and I hold him close to my while stroking his hair. "I'll change you. I'll change you myself. You'll be me anyways." I frantically trying to appease both of us.

"You can't." He whispers. I pull away and look him in the eyes. "And why not?" "My father has found a way to kill you. A white oak tree. Anyone who dares to change me will be-". I cut him off and pull him to me again but tighter. "How do you know this? Did he say that to you?" I asked afraid of his answer. "I heard them as I was pretending to sleep. They've been watching over me together but they argue so much it awakens me every time." I take a shaky breath to stop the tears.

"That's why mother has taken to work more on your dress. The faster we can have the wedding, the faster I can live with you and be changed. I fear that won't happen. I will miss you, Elena." I kiss his head and continue to stroke his hair. "You won't have to miss me because I will save you, dear Henrik." I noticed he's passed out, so I carry him to his room. I look at how peaceful he looks and finally let the tears out. I can't stand to look at him in this state anymore, so I kiss his forehead and leave.

Present Day: Klaus
I'm mortified by the vision I've witnessed. How could I have been so blind to my brother's? Have I really been that naive to think my mother had this truly under control? I look up to see stares of pity, and I growl in anger. "Wake that bitch up so we can get Elena back with my brother," I say as I slam the table.

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