The Trouble

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Present Day: Bonnie
"Meet me by the tower. Time is ticking, KP". Damon says reading the letter with scrunched brows. "If she's by the tower with Caroline that's a terrible sign," Damon says finally looking up. "So what's our game plan?" I ask anxiously. "There isn't one we just have to go," Stefan says while sighing. "You two go I'll catch up. I have to feed those girls my blood and compel them to forget everything." Damon says and Stefan and I hurry out.

When we make it, we see Katherine with her arm around Caroline at the edge of the roof. "Katherine I don't know what you want but we'll give it to you. Just let Caroline go. She has nothing to do with this." Stefan says cautiously. "Oh but she does my dear Stefan. Elena loves her. Bonnie loves her. You love Elena. You like Bonnie. You'd hurt if you knew they were hurting." She says creepily and strokes Caroline's hair.

"Alright, you manic bitch! Let her go! She has nothing to do with this weird love-hate fest you have going on with Stefan and Damon." I yell at her through gritted teeth. "Oh, feisty. I like this one. She's less of a crier." Katherine smirks down at us mockingly. Before I know it, Damon pushes Katherine causing Caroline to fall out of her arms. Stefan rushes to catch her but doesn't because she's hanging by a noose.

I scream and Stefan stands there shocked as Katherine runs away. I fall to the ground in tears and Damon holds me in arms while Stefan takes Caroline into his arms. He gives her a sorry expression and kisses her forehead as I watch through blurry eyes. "Stefan you promised me. You promised please don't be real." I cry as Damon holds me tighter.

Past Day: Elena
We walk to the back of the house and Mikael sits down and looks at us expectantly. "Well on with it. What announcement shall I be making as the man of the house." He gives an arrogant smirk that I just want to slap off his face. Nik discreetly pushes me behind him, but I still look at Mikael while grabbing Nik's hand. Nik squeezes my hand and takes a deep breath.

"We've decided to marry." He says nervously and I can feel Nik back into me so I squeeze his hand tighter. "Is that so? Out of curiosity, what sparked this decision of passion?" He smirks widens. I want to throw up. "We love each other dearly and what better way to express that through marriage." Nik straightens his shoulders as he continues to speak.

"Oh how great. The family will be so excited." He says in mock excitement as he stands up. Nik backs into me again and I squeeze his shoulder. "Let's go tell them right now because I can't remain quiet about this amazing news." He starts whistling as he walks back to the dining. We follow while exchanging worried glances. Nik interlocks our fingers and kisses our interlocked hands.

When we make it to the front, everyone stands up. I look confused because they've never done that before. I have to stop myself but this family is so cringe when it comes to how they praise this man. "Well, family, we have some remarkable news. The two lovebirds have decided to become betrothed." The room uproars in happiness and Rebekah and Tatia run up to me while touching my face and hair.

They're both talking over each other about what I should look like on my wedding day. "There's more news. They've decided to move out right after the wedding." This gets everyone quiet and they look at us in shock. Rebekah disappointedly drops her hands from my hair. Nik and I look at each other in shock as well unsure of what to say. Everyone looks at us expectantly, and I hit Nik so he can appease our family.

He starts stuttering, and I internally slap my forehead. "Well we love each other to the moon and back,
and we're young adults that have to start exploring the world as such." Everyone continues to stare at us and Nik hits me to continue. I scoff and make a face at him making him cast his eyes down. "With marriage comes a family and a new life and we'd thought it best that we'd do that with each other. We don't want our new life to become a bother to any of you." I clear my throat awkwardly.

"That is just absurd. Both of my babies can't leave me! You both will stare here! Mikael." She says frantically then says Mikael's names threateningly. "This is unfair you can't take my brother away from me! You-you-you wench!" I look at her taken aback. "Now Rebekah that is no way to talk to my wife," Nik says finally looking up. "I will talk to her however I want when she's breaking up our family." She pouts, stomps her foot, and runs to our room crying.

I stand here in confusion as Tatia runs after her. I whisper in Nik's ear, "what is even happening right now?" He turns to me with a confused but amused facial expression. "Darling I have no idea either but she'll calm down. Dramatics are Rebekah's leading qualities. We'll take a walk and let everyone talk out their feelings as we do the same. When the sunset appears, we'll come back and you can talk to her then." I nod my head as I come to a realization "Now you have the right words to say."

Present Day: Bonnie
I finally wake up to Stefan patting my face with a cold towel. He gently stops patting my face and looks at me seriously. "How are you feeling? I know that's a stupid question to be asking right now, but I still want to know." His eyes get soft and his facial expression changes. "I want to see her." "Bonnie I don't think-". I cut him off with a look. "Stefan. She's my best friend just let me see her. Please." I practically beg him and he softly grabs my hand.

"Come on then." He leads me to aunt Jenna's room and I see Caroline with a fresh face, shiny curls, and a pretty, floral dress. Her hands are crossed over her stomach and she looks so at peace. I put my hand over my face as my knees get weak. Before I can fall, Stefan catches me and holds me tightly. "Stefan that's not her please tell me it's not real. It can't be she's too lively to be like that."

I can't talk anymore because I'm crying too hard. He kisses my forehead and strokes my hair. "I know, Bonnie. Do you want me to get Jeremy?" He asks concerned. "No! He doesn't need to see me like this. He can't go through any of this." He shakes his hand in response and continues to hold me. "It's way easier to say but everything will be fine Bonnie. I promise."

"Stefan you already promised me that and now my best friend is dead." He sighs. "I know but I can feel it this time. Just continue to trust me because it's not displaced." I nod my head in response and lay my head on his chest. After a few minutes of silence, I hear soft grunts of pain. I look at Stefan to see he has a look of surprise on his face. I look in his direction to see Caroline. "Katherine fed Caroline her blood."

A/N: Next chapter(s) you'll see more of the originals POV specifically Klaus, Elijah, and Rebekah. I'll also be writing more in Stefan's POV and possibly Katherine's. I'll mostly be writing in Stefan's and Klaus' POV.

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