The Frienship

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Past Day: Elena
I wake up in the middle of the night to someone blowing in my ear. I swat at the person or thing blowing, and my hand makes contact with a face. I profusely try to apologize but am immediately shut up by a hand on my mouth. I lick the hand feel it instantly pull away. "Elena it's me." I hear a familiar voice whisper. I sit up as my eyes adjust to the dark and I see Klaus with the help of the faint moonlight shining in the room.

"What are you doing here?" I ask while making sure Rebekah isn't awake. I can tell by her breathing that she's sleep. "Forgive me I didn't mean to make such a fuss." He gives a sheepish smile. "It's fine but why are you blowing in my ear Niklaus?" I shock myself by how naturally saying his name comes to me. "I thought this would be the best time to get to know each other without the inspection of others." He blushes as he gives half-smile.

I shock myself again by caressing his face and giggling. I pull my hand away and keep it to myself. "Sorry about that. What were you speaking of before?" I whisper. "Grab your night garments and follow me." I don't respond and get out of bed to grab my robe. He instantly turns around as I get up and don't turn around until I tap his shoulder. "The moonlight makes you look magical."

I look down not knowing what to say. "You don't have to say anything. I just wanted to tell you that. Now, let's get started on our adventure." He grabs my hand and practically drags me out of the room leaving little time for me to slip into my shoes. I keep my giggles in until we get out earshot of the house.

"Niklaus, where are you taking me?" He turns to me and smirks at me. "It's a secret place that only I know about. I found it on accident after a- conversation with my dad." I can clearly tell he's lying but I don't press it. "Well don't I feel lucky to go to your secret place," I say playfully to distract him from the hurt I'm sure he's feeling. "I'm glad. I thought you'd think I was peculiar and rude for not being as vocal as my family about welcoming you."

"I didn't think you peculiar at all. I thought you to be heedful." I really thought you to be evil but apparently human you aren't disgusting. "Well, I want to be friends. I'll be your closet friend aside from Rebekah. She would be in distress to know that anyone besides her is your eminent friend." He says this in the most sarcastic and nonchalant way I can't help to laugh loudly.

He laughs along with me and abruptly stops laughing and walking altogether. This causes me to bump into him. He turns to me and laughs while I blush profusely. "I'm sorry I wasn't expecting you to stop as you did Niklaus," I say embarrassed causing him to laugh harder at me. I tighten my robe on offense and cross my arms. "Alright, I am done goading you. May I cover your eyes? The scenery is too beautiful to not be surprised."

I continue to look at him while crossing my arms. "You're very lovely and I would treasure your forgiveness." I finally crack a smile and playfully push him. He looks at me with a mock offense and my smile gets wider. "You may cover my eyes Niklaus." He walks behind me with his hands clasped behind his back. "Do you trust me?" He whispers in my ear and I shiver but ignore it.

"I kinda have to." We both share a laugh and he lightly pushes forward to signal me to walk. We start walking for what seems like forever then we stop. I open my eyes to a beautiful lake surrounded by all sorts of plants and flowers. "Are you astonished?" He asks. I turn to him in amazement to see his hands clasped behind his back with a proud smile. "Words cannot describe what I am feeling right now."

Present Day: Klaus
I straighten my shirt up and clear my throat to get rid of the small smile on my face. The little strength I felt come back leaves as soon as my smile disappears. As I leave to go to my painting room, Elijah comes in the door causing me to back away. "What is it, dear brother? Is it about the mass killings of pretty, innocent women with college degrees?" I say sarcastically with a smirk. He rolls his eyes and clears his throat and keeps a straight face.

"Actually brother." He straightens his jacket causing my smirk to widen at his disappointment. "I came to talk to you about these 'visions' we've all been experiencing." He says visions uncomfortably. "I do not care about the doppelgänger and I'm making calculated plans on killing her friends, bringing her back to find her friends dead, then killing her when she's suffered too much and is begging for death," I say content with myself. Elijah blinks at me in response.

"I wasn't going to ask about the doppelgänger or the sick fantasies you have about her family and friends. The fact that you decided to bring her up so fast tells me something you don't want to admit." It's my turn to straighten my jacket. I feel slightly uncomfortable at his accusations because they may hold some truth. "I don't know what you're talking about? Now, you're wasting my time so what is it you wanted to talk about?" I raise an eyebrow at him.

"You've been feeling the power changes as well have you not?" Elijah asks raising his head a bit. "I have no ide-" I am so interrupted by him. "Do not lie, brother. You know what I speak of and I feel this conversation will move rather quickly if you told me the truth." It's my turn to roll my eyes knowing he's right. "Yeah I've been experiencing these power changes. They only mean we need to get her back as soon as possible." "Well, I've been speaking to your witch and-" I lung at him but he quickly dodges me.

"I figured you'd do that but fight me less and the sooner you can get to painting your dear Elena." Elijah smirks at causing me to growl at him. "Careful there brother. You're charting in dangerous territory." He brushes me off and continues to talk. "I'd think you'd be curious as to what she has. By the look on your face, I'm correct. She said there's no reason Elena should've ended up there. However, she's apart of our lives now no matter how unfortunate that may seem for you."

"So what does that mean for me? What does that mean for us?" I ask not understanding where he's going with his cryptic language. "It means, brother, while she had no purpose being in that time, she will serve a purpose for being in that time. So you better start accepting those feelings before her friends and family become stronger than us. I'll leave you to paint your new beloved." Before I can do or say anything, he's gone.

I go to my painting room and paint the vision of Elena and I in the forest by the lake. She looks peaceful, and I look content. I reluctantly accept those feelings and feel a lot stronger.

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