The Triangle

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A/N: I don't know if you all want the spoilers I mentioned in the other chapter, but I will answer the question as to what power Niklaus kept mentioning throughout the previous chapters. Basically, the power of the love between a hybrid and doppelganger makes them more powerful than the rest of the originals. This means most of Bonnie's magic won't work on Elena and Nik, they can compel the originals, Nik can turn into a full hybrid now without all the extra, and our favorite couple can't be killed by the white oak stake. Now, I don't want to leave the other originals without some bonuses, so with time, they'll build up the resistance against Bonnie. However, they can still be compelled by Nik and Elena, but it will only last for a certain amount of time though. All of the originals won't be affected by vervain, this is subject to change but that's how I'm feeling at the moment. Enjoy!


I'm laying on the bed with Jeremy as he draws. My head is laying towards the head of the bed and his head is laying at the foot of the bed. I finally get curious to see what's he drawing and I lay across his back with my head over his shoulders. He looks at me and smiles. I see take a quick glance at my lips but he does nothing and continues to draw. I ignore this and smile at his work. "What are you drawing Jer?" "Well I wanted it to be a surprise considering I'm working at getting better, but I'm drawing you." Even though I can't see his full face, I can tell by the tone of his voice that he's smiling. "I'm sure whatever you make me look like, I'll love it." "You sure about that?" He turns to me with a goofy smile and questioning eyes. "I'm sure about that." I sense a prescence at the door, and I jump to look and see Stefan. 

Even though I'm dating neither of them, I can't help to feel guilty when I get caught hanging with either of them and one of them catches us. I never thought I'd feel feelings for Stefan ever, especially comsidering my best friend, ex best friend, was in love with him. It shouldn't matter too much though because she made it very clear where she stood with us, and she's a married woman now, so she shouldn't care. I wouldn't be surprised if she did as lately she's been wanting to be the center of attention. We male eye contact, and I see a flash of pain his eyes. If there's one thing about Stefan, he doesn't hide his emotions much, and it's easy to become guilt-tripped by his green eyes. 

I look down and immediately move off of Jeremy. "I figured you'd be in here, and I was going to ask if you wanted to hang with me today. Damon is driving me crazy with the Elena talk, and I needed a comfort as you've alaways been to me." He's clears his and looks down then scratches the back of his neck. "But I see you're busy, so I'll go ask Caroline for the company so Damon can bother her. Yes, I'm that desperate." He gives me a fake half-smile and walks away. "I knew he was weird before, but without the distraction of my sister by his side, I can truly see it now." Jeremy says causing me to unintentionally roll my eyes.

"What? You know what? Scratch that. What are we doing here Bonnie? When this whole mess first started, you were all under me, and we connected I guess and I thought that was cool because I never had that before. Can you blame anyone though. Look at me, I'm a mess. But it's like everytime time I look up, these moments we have together don't mean much because everytime Stefan comes with those damaged, puppy eyes, you leave me for him. Everytime. The only time you don't leave is if he walks away first as he did now. I'm not the kind of guy who experinecs things like this often, and I'm not making you choose, but Bon, you're hurting me too." I see Jeremy's eyes, and they're full of pain and so much emotion I'm taken aback. 

"Jer I-." I open and close my mouth a few times because I don't know what to say. "I'll talk to you later. I have to go." I say quietly, and I quickly grabs my things and leave speed walk out the room. As I'm walking down the stairs, I hear his door slam causing me to jump. "Trouble in paradise." I jump again at the sound of Damon's voice. I look up to see him smirking while flipping through a magazine. i roll my eyes at him. "Now is not the time, Damon. Where's Stefan?" Damon looks at me over the magazine and makes a face. "Ah that's why there's trouble in paradise. You like my brother, and Jeremy doesn't like that. He's with Caroline and Matt at the grill." I scrunch my face up in confusion. I didn't think he'd actually go hang out with them. "I know right. I must've really messed with his head today." He says in a sarcatsic tone as he continues flipping through the magazine.

"Also, do me a favor and stop hurting my brother's feelings. He just lost the love of his life to someone who controlled his life at one point. He may irritate me, but he's fragile and my brother, and I've hurt him for over a century. Don't add on to that." His voice is serious, and I find myself speechless again. "I won't." I leave out and go the grill. I instantly spot the trio and feel bad for Stefan because he looks so miserable sitting with Matt and Caroline who seems like they're making up after another bicker session. I immediately go sit next and lay my head on his shoulder while comfortingly rubbing his arm. I see smile down at me as he wraps an arm around me. I smile up at him and get comfortable as he does the same. "The two of you couldn't not torture Stefan to death for one second." I look at the couple amusedly.

"We aren't that bad." Caroline says. "You two are pretty terrible." I say laughing as Matt chuckles. "Unbearable even." Stefan says with a smile and my stomach flutters. I laugh a little too hard at this and I get weird looks from Caroline causing me to clear my throat and look down. "Bonnie?" I look up quickly. "Yeah Care?" "Bathroom now please." Her voice drops an octave so whatever she wants to talk about must seem very serious. "Yeah okay." I grab my purse and get up to follow her to the bathroom and once in there, Caroline immediatly starts to talk. "What's going on with you and Stefan?" "There's nothing going on with us we just have a strong bond and connection." "Honey, it's more than that. It's clear you like him, but what about Jeremy?'

"Honestly Care, I don't know. I've never been put in this position before." "Do you want my honest opinion as your bestfriend?" I nod my head. "You don't deserve either of them if you can't stop hurting them. Elena hurt Stefan's feelings enough and you don't need to add to that. I don't think you like Stefan truly. I just think you like the omfort he brings you because Damon is annoying, I'm in a relationship, and Jeremy is Elena's brother. You need to let one of them go, and that someone needs to be Stefan and you should do it now before you're in too deep." When Caroline gets done, I feel a tear fall down because I know she's right. My feelings are a little hurt because I feel bad for hurting the ones I care about. "You're right, Care, and I'll tell him today. The real question is when are you going to break up with Matt?"

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