The Therapy

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Q: Team Jeremy or Team Stefan?


It's been the most miserable two weeks of my life besides the times I lost my family.  I'm trying to remember everything to please everyone but it's so overwhelming. Today, is Bonnie's day to help me and tommorrow is Caroline's. Yesterday was Jeremy's day. They all have different aspects to help me remember. Jeremy is helping me to remember our family amd childhood, Bonnie is helping me to remember who she calls the orginals, and Caroline is helping me to remember our friends. Bonnie's days are the hardest because everything she mentions Klaus my feeling heighten and I don't know why. In my spare time, I visit the graveyard and the place where I was in the woods. 

I don't understand what's drawimg me to the woods, but it continously holds a weight on my spirit. Bonnie is talking to me, but I'm not listening as I stare out the window. "Lena. Are you even listening to me?" I look at her and shake my head. "Yeah. I'm in love with a pyscho, and I'm a powerful vampire." "You know what, you take a break and we'll resume later." She leaves out the room while typing with purpose. I'm slowly starting to remember Stefan and Damon, and I was close to them but in what way I'm not sure. 

Instead of thinkinh about myself, I find it more interesting to focus on everyone around me. I like to focus on the dynamic between Stefan, Bonnie, and, my brother. It's interesting to see her in a triangle and not me. Wait! Memeories flood back and I go through a roller coaster of smiling and frowning because I notice a point of view that I never had before: the outside looking in. Damon was in love with me too and I was in love with him, but I also loved Stefan. How is it possible that I could love two people at once? How is it possible that the two boys I loved most hold no weight in my heart anymore? Is it because of the orginals? 

At this point, Bonnie comes in with Caroline. "She needed back up." Caroline says with a warm smile. She sits down in front of me with soft eyes and grabs one of my hands in both of hers. "I want you to do the talking more than us. Tell us what you're thinking about." I look at her and contemplate on whether or not I want to. I look between her and Bonnie and see nothing but encouraging looks with a bit of pity. The pity angers me, and I roll my eyes. "I remember my history with Stefan and Damon." I see Bonnie scrunch up her face causing me to smirk a litlle. "And I know Bonnie likes Stefan but  she likes my brother as well.  Don't worry Bon Bon I'm not mad at you. However, if you think of hurting my brother, I'll rip your heart out." They look at me shocked, and I shake my head. "I am so sorry. I don't know what came over me." "That's okay, Elena. We're off to a long but good start." She smiles at me them shares a look with Bonnie.



I'm in my painting room drawing Elena through the vision I see her in. She's distorted and unrecognizable. She's blurry behind a wall of tears. She's smiling but it's melted. She's comfused and she's the source of our pain. I didn't want to let her in because I havent gotten hurt in cenruies and right when I decided she was different, she hurt me. She runs fire through my viens and now I'm cold. I've tried to stay in here to avoid my sister but it's hard to comtinously stay and stare at Elena.

I fnally decided I've had enough of her image tuanting me, so I leave out the room. I immdeiately bump into Rebekah who says her same mantra, "have you seen Elena. Does she remmber? Why doesn't she remmeber? How could she not rememer?  She's a Mikaleson, Nik. She's a Mikaelson," she ends in defeat as she usually does. I feel bad to see her in such hysteria, but this continous vexes me too much to care. "Elijah, my dear brother, please come assist out distraught little sister." I walk past Elijah but stop in my tracks as I hear his voice. "You know, dear brother, it would be quote lovely if you could help us ot for once," he says in a mocking tone. 

I swallow hard and clench my jaw as I speak. "It would be, but I won't." I walk off and go through the woods as I usually do. The path I take, I can sense Elena has walked the same path. 



I've woken up and it's dark now. I see no one but I hear voices downstairs in the kitchen and as I get up to go there, I get an excruicating migraine causing me to sit on the stairs. I ger flashbacks of a boy, wolves, a ring, a wedding,  a menacing man, and siblings. Bonnie rushes to my side and Caroline follows shortly after her. "Lena, are yiu having more memories?" Caroline asks, and I try to talk but I can't. "She'll talk when she's ready, Care. Just let her be." Bonnie says to Caroline softly. I can't see anything anymore, and I get more flashbacks.

I was dead, I cried for Bonnie, Caroline, and Jeremy, I met my doppleganger and she died. I tried to save Henrik, but he died. Nik and I would raise him along with the help of Rebekah. I used to hate but now I love them, and I have a strong connection to them. Someone is calling my name. The path. It's where Henrik is. Nik is calling my name. I'm married. I'm an original. "I remember." I say looking up to Caroline and Bonnie.

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