Chapter 16: Welcome to Camp Nile-Blood

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To let you all, know that Lady Anubia is right. She has been watched from the distance while she is staying at the unknown location for a while. But we are not sure who or what it is for sure. But since Lady Anubia is busy, so we will continue with this chapter and keep an eye out for it while Lady Anubia is with Lady Alex.

If you are wondering why we said the words of either "Lady" or "Master". We only do that once we are around people that are firstborn of each different family of mankind. And that also includes the first burn bloodline of Egyptian Gods. But you get the picture. Right now, let us get back to the story.

While Lady Anubia is following Lady Alex, they are heading out of the hallway. It has seen to be like a tunnel, but it was not. At the end of the hallway, the area of the structure has suddenly gotten wider. They are still in the building, which still has a similar structure to the Pyramids of Giza. But it has an environment inside of the structure. For instance, there are living plants, fresh running water, and a food supply that is safe enough to eat. But there is no sky to see any sunlight, there are crystals all over the place. The crystals are glimmering like sunlight on mid-day. Do not know why or what they are for. The crystals are there for a reason. But it has kind of amazes us for a moment, but not for sure of what Lady Anubia is thinking about. As they are continuing walking, Lady Alex smiled as she turned to Lady Anubia. "Well, here we are." Lady Alex exclaimed. "Welcome to Cap Nile-Blood," Lady Alex shows Lady Anubia the view of the camp.

"Whoa," Lady Anubia's eyes widened as she looks around. "This place is huge, and the walls look a lot similar to the walls of the pyramid."

"You can say that again," Lady Alex giggled.

"So," Lady Anubia held in her excitement down. She kind of does that a lot, whenever she sees something new to her. "How many Egyptian Demigods are living here exactly?"

"Oh, that well," Lady Alex thins for a bit. "If I remember right, there are 147 demigods that accounted for here at camp."

"147?" Lady Anubia jumped. "Within the name of Ra, that is a lot of kids that live upon his own kin."

"You said it," Lady Alex agreed. Then both Lady Alex and Lady Anubia have walked towards a different area.

At one high point of a hall, there is an invisible force field to keep them from tripping and falling off a cliff. If it looks like one. Lady Anubia keeps on glancing to her right with every few seconds as she continues to walk. Suddenly, a sudden erg of a question that was willing to be asked. "So," Lady Anubia rubbed the back of her neck. "How many homes does this camp have? You know, to place all the children of the Egyptian Gods. If you know what I mean?"

"Of course," Lady Alex nodded. "If I remember right, we have sixteen temple cabins to place for the children of the gods."

"Temple Cabins?" Lady Anubia raised an eyebrow.

"It is a home environment that was built by the Gods themselves," Lady Alex explained. "So, they can easily place their children, so they could have a place to live in with rooms to be filled up."

"Oh really," Lady Anubia crossed her arms. "Then what type of Gods that have built these Temple Cabins that you have spoken of?"

"I'll show you," Lady Alex lead her to one corner of the hall, which that shows the view of the camp. "Stand here,"

"Why?" Lady Anubia asked,

"You'll see," Lady Alex giggled.

Lady Anubia grunted, "Fine," she went to the spot that which she was told to be. "And?"

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