Chapter 7: E.D. Mission ~ Catching Breath Discovery

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Hello, it is us. The Spirits of the Shadow Realm again. Trust us, we are good spirits within this lifetime/world. Not just from those such silly dimensional story that has been told about. But anyway, we are still recording the chapter while Lady Anubia is distracting the enemy. Please do not ask, we just simply do it without her pacific knowledge.

Now, let us get to the part when the children are sneaking right pass the SwitchBlade Demon. That has been distracted by Lady Anubia.


While the teenaged girl put her staff away. Both she and the little girl sneaked quietly, to get to the teenaged boy that is named Horheye.

Horheye struggled to sit up as he is out of his daze. With pain from both head and arm, he moaned in pain. As the teenaged girl got to Horheye's side, she got down to her knees. "Horheye," she spoke gently as she keeps his study. "Are you okay?"

"I'm alright Marinette," Horheye spoke weakly.

"Well," Marinette spoke. "Just let me see and feel how your head looks,"

"Alright," Horheye nodded as she gently feels his head. With her hand that is gliding through Horheye's blond hair, Horheye's head has slowly become decreased as she gently messaging it.

Marinette sighed, "You just have a little ding on the back of your head, so you'll be having a concussion for a while."

"Thanks, Mari," Horheye groaned in pain as his arm jolted.

"Let me bandage that first before moving," Marinette pulled out her handkerchief.

"Alright," Horheye nearly gulped. "But gently please,"

"Do I always?" Marinette narrowed her eyes,

Horheye lightly shrugged his left shoulder as Marinette pulled up the sleeve and started a bandage Horheye's wounded arm.

While Marinette is bandaging Horheye's arm. The little girl stands quietly as she watches them, shyly. Suddenly, her cat-like ears twitched, and she has begun to sniff the air. The little girl raised an eyebrow as she hugged her stuffed bunny tightly in her arms. In the corner of Marinette's eye, it has fully got her attention.

"What is it, little one?" Marinette asked as she is finishing up, tying the know of the handkerchief that she wrapped around Horheye's arm.

"I..." the little girl spoke, "I,"

Both Horheye and Marinette turned to her with eyes widened, "Dog?" they asked her,

The little girl nodded,

"Where...?" Horheye struggled to move, "Where did you smell dog from?" Knowing that she's the youngest child of Bastet, Horheye thought. She could be scared from her wits right about now,

"I..." the little girl mumbled. "I'm not completely sure," the little girl shrugged. "But...all that I'm guessing is that...the smell is from that girl," she pointed. "That she is the one who is facing that demon for us,"

"Are you sure?" Marinette asked,

The little girl shrugged as she barely understands it herself,

She's not sure for herself either, Marinette thought.

"Well," Horheye struggled to get on to his feet. "We...we should help her...out,"

"Oh, don't you ever, even think about it." Marinette forced him to sit back down. "You're not going anywhere or going to do anything, till you get your balance back."

"But..." Horheye tried to protest,

"No buts," Marinette crossed her arms. "I've got a pretty good feeling that the stranger got this one covered,"

"How?" Horheye nearly muttered, "How can you be so sure?"

"Just a feeling,"

"As always," Horheye narrowed his eyes as he sat back down.

"And I am always right," Marinette smiled for her pride.

The little girl has been tilting her head while she was listening to their conversation. Then back to the battle that is now in front of them. Please stranger, the little girl thought. Within the name of Ra's power, please. Win this, with all your might. The little girl prayed as she, Marinette, and Horheye have begun to watch Lady Anubia and the SwitchBlade Demon fight for the very first time.

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