What I wouldn't do.

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Time seemed to drag on. The bridge was slowly coming along and would be ready in a couple days time. Daryl had pulled back a little spending more time with Hunter and I. She was running now and into everything.

While out on a run Daryl had found a toy bow and arrow and had brought them home for her. I sat with Maggie on the porch watching them play. Both of us laughing at the pair of them.

"When are you gona tell him?" Maggie smirked cocking her eyebrow.

"Yeah was gona talk to you about that. Would you mind keeping Hunter tonight?" I asked.

"Of course not,but why the long face? You know he's gona be over the moon."

"Just nervous I guess." I chuckled.

"You know theres no need to be. Your biggest challenge is he's not gona let you lift a finger."

We both laughed knowing it was one hundred percent true.

"Momma lookie, I beat daddy." Hunter said running up to me showing me the target sheet Daryl had made for their little game.

"Yeah you did. Good job sweetheart." I chuckled hugging her to me.

"Daddy says I'm better than uncle Eugune." She said proudly.

"Oh did he now?"

"It's true." Daryl said scooping her up causing her to laugh. "She could out shoot him any day."

She laughed as he tickled her belly.

"Baby how would you like to have a sleep over with Hershal and aunt Maggie?" I asked.

"Yes." She said immediately reaching for Maggie.

"How about we go play with Hershal now huh?" Maggie asked.

Daryl and I kissed her head saying goodnight.

"Why the sleep over?" Daryl asked pulling me against his chest.

"Figured we could use a night alone. It's been awhile." I smirked.

"Sounds like a good idea." He said kissing along my neck.

"Slow down Dixon, I have plans. So go shower I'll meet ya in the trailer." I said pulling out of his grip.

"Fine." He grumbled pulling me back to him for one more kiss before walking into the house.

I went to the trailer to get our dinner together. Not ten minutes later the door to our trailer opened.

"That didn't take you very long...." I started to say turning around I dropped the plates I had in my hand.

"Shane....what are you....."

"Oh honey I know you didn't think I had just forgot about you and our daughter did you?" He chuckled.

"Daryl will be here any minute I suggest you not be."

"We'll angel, I hate to burst your bubble but Daryl has been detained."

I saw red as I watched the smirk on his face grow.

"I swear to god Shane if you've hurt him I'll......"

"You'll what Emma? Kill me?" He laughed. "That's a laugh. You people couldn't even kill Negan. Heard you got him all locked away, safe and sound."

"What is it you plan on doing Shane? How you plan on getting out of this? We have alot more people than you."

"Yes Emma you do, but I have something that will get us out of here.....Lucas bring in our little suprise hmm?"

The man stepped outside of the trailer. Moments later he was back carrying Hunter.

"Mama." She cried reaching for me.

"Baby...." I said moving towards her.

"No, No, No you stay right where you are." He said taking a crying Hunter from the mans arms.

"Shane don't do this. Please let me have her. Your scaring her."

"She'll be fine Emma. She needs to get use to her father."

"Shane, I swear to god. You take her and I'll not rest until your dead."

"Harsh words Emma, here I was going to offer you another chance."

"I don't want your chances I want my daughter."

"Well that's a shame Emma." He jestered to the man next to him.

I was grabbed by two men and forced to watch helplessly as Shane carried my crying daughter away. As they approached the gates I saw Daryl tied and unconscious. Maggie on the ground beside him.

"Shane please." I begged as Hunter continued to cry.

"It's to late for please Emma. I gave you a chance and you chose this piece of trash." He yelled kicking Daryl in the side.

"Stop this....it doesn't need to be this way. We don't have to keep doing this Shane. I still love you I never stopped." I quickly glanced to the hurt and confused expression on Daryl's face.

"I'm sorry I didn't say it sooner, but you were with Negan. And he killed so many of the people I cared about. That I blamed you to. I'm sorry.......we can leave you me and Hunter we can leave. Noone else has to get hurt.......please Shane."

He was silent for what seemed like hours before he spoke.

"You hear that boys?" He laughed.

"She still loves me. Come on baby let's go." He said wrapping his arm around my waist.

"Emma!" Daryl yelled as he fought against the restraints.

"Daryl it's okay.....I'm sorry I never meant to hurt you. I love him...he's our family.....I'm sorry." I turned my back to him placing my arm around Shane.

"Can we go now?" I asked smiling sweetly.

"Of course we can baby." He pulled me close kissinh my lips.

"Let's go boys, time to get my girl's home."

Daryl's POV

I watched as Emma walked away wrapped up against Shane. My heartbroke at the things she had just said. Watching her and Hunter walk away from me shattered me.

"Daryl, what are we gona do? How do we get them back?" Maggie asked.

"We don't." I said walking away. "She made her choice."

"Daryl!......Daryl!!!" I heard Maggie yell as I walked off.

There was no need to look back. She had made her choice, and whether she loved me or not. I loved her enough to let her be happy. Even if that meant it was no longer with me.

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