War is never easy

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I refused to go inside till Daryl came back. Dad and Hershal were now also sitting outside waiting with me.

When I finally saw him walking up his head down. I knew Merle was gone. Dad and Hershal stood as I opened the gate for him.

"He's gone Em. He's dead." He cried.

He went to his knees. I got down beside him. Wrapping myself around him. It killed me seeing him so upset. There were tears running down my face,just seeing the hurt on his.

When he was finally able we stood. I took his hand and we walked inside to my cell together. We sat there side by side quietly me just holding his hand.

"Where's Hunter?" He asked after awhile.

"Beth already put her and Judy to bed."

I pulled off my boots and climbed into bed.

"Come here." I said motioning for Daryl to lay with me.

He curled himself around me laying his head on my chest.

I ran my hand lightly across his back until I heard his quiet snore.

I looked down at him brushing the hair from his face. "I'm so sorry your hurting.  I love you Daryl." I whispered.

I woke up the next morning wrapped in Daryl's arms. He was clinging to me like a child would a teddy bear.

I leaned down slightly kissing the top of his hand.


"I thought you were asleep."

"Naw I've been awake awhile."

Not knowing what to really say. I just cuddled back into his chest.

"You know Merle never did anything like that in his life."

"He gave us a chance."

"It was because of you. You changed him, I knew you would. You made him better Em. Thank you for that."

"He wanted to be better for you to. He may not have said it, but he loved you."

I heard him slightly whimper and felt a tear hit my shoulder.

I turned so I was facing him. Our faces almost touching. I wanted to reach over and press my lips to his.

A knock came at the cell door. Both of us quickly setting up on the edge of the bed.

"Hi,she was starting to get fussy I think she's ready for breakfast." Beth said handing me Hunter.

"Thank you Beth." I said smiling at her.

"Anytime." She said before leaving the cell.

Her little eyes locked on Daryl.

"Good morning princess." He said kissing her head.

"It amazes me how infatuated with you she is."

He smiled holding onto her little hand. I love this side of him. The sweet gentle loving side. His walls are completely down when he's around her.

He got up kissing her head then mine.

"I'll let you feed her. I'm gona go check with Rick see what the plan is for today."

"Okay we'll be down soon."

He gave me a half smile and nodded before leaving to find dad.

The plan for today was to pack everything into the cars. Make it look like we had disappeared. We knew that when we didn't show up by noon with Michonne. The Govenor and his men would come here.

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