Now What

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I watched as Negan shoved dad into the RV.

"Daddy." I cried pulling away from Shane and into dad's arms.

"It's alright baby it's ok." He said kissing my head.

"This aint family reunion time. Get the fuck over there." Negan spat pulling dad away from me.

"Shane please." I pleaded.

"Don't beg me for shit Emma. You married that piece of shit redneck. How many times did you tell me. He's just a's not like that."

"It wasn't Shane. It wasn't anything before you..before you were gone."

"We'll talk about this later. Shut up and enjoy the ride." He snapped.

He walked up front taking the passanger seat.

I moved toward dad his arm wrapping around my shoulder.

"None of that shit. Emma move away from daddy." Negan barked.

I moved back pulling my knees up to my chest. Daryl and Hunter running through my mind. I couldn't let Shane find out about her. This Shane he couldn't be trusted.

Negan slammed on the breaks causing both dad and I to lunge forward.

"People died,Rick. Doesn't mean anyone else has to." He said as he opened the door to the RV.

Tossing the hand held ax onto the roof. As walkers started to close in on us.

"Go get my ax Rick."

Dad and I both sat there stunned. Walkers were almost on us.

"Would you prefer Emma go then?" He asked. Coming my way.

"I'm going don't touch her." Dad sneered.

"Well get to it Ricky boy."

We heard dad climbing onto the top of the RV. Walkers now surrounding us.

"Get me my ax Rick." He yelled as he started shooting at the roof.

"Stop! Stop it!" I yelled reaching for him as Shane's arms went around my waist holding me back.

I ran to the back window watching as dad jumped onto the walker hanging over the bridge. Shane and Negan both laughing as he struggled to hold on.

"Please help him. Please Shane please." I begged grabbing onto his shirt.

Just as dad fell Negan opened the back window. Shooting down some of the walkers.

I watched helplessly as dad struggled to find the axe. When he finally got it. He started taking down walkers making his way back to the RV.

"He's got your fucking axe. Open the door." I yelled.

He opened the door shooting a few walkers allowing dad to come in.

I held onto him. "I'm alright baby, it's alright." Negan nor Shane said a word as I held onto dad. When we stopped again we were back at the clearing.

"Your still not looking at me the right way Ricky." Negan taunted while cleaning the axe of walker blood.

He pulled dad from the RV. Shane grabbing my wrist pulling me along.

"Bring me the boy.....Shane ya got a pen?"

"Sure do." He said handing him the marker from his pocket.

He grabbed Carl tightening a belt around his forearm. One of his men holding Carl to the ground.

"Put guns to the back of all their heads....Now Rick two choices either you cut off his arm or I shot all these people."

I felt my knees getting weak. Shane holding me up. I looked towards Daryl his eyes on me.

Negan kept taunting dad to do it. When dad finally started hyperventilating. He got down on his level. Dad was finally broken.

"That is the look I wanted to see. We did it. All of us together. The guys on the ground get a reward for sure. What you have is mine now." He chuckled.

"Dwight....load Daryl up we're taking him with us. He's not a pussy like some people, and Shane might have a few plans for him."

"Daryl..." I cried our eyes on each other as they threw him in the back of a truck.

"Emma!!Em!" He screamed as the doors slammed shut.

"We're taking Emma to. Shane and her have some catching up to do. You make any attempt to come for them. I'll make Emma cut pieces off Daryl in front of you."

"See you in a week for our first offering." Negan chuckled. Shane and I following him to his vehicle.

I cried watching out the window at my family disappeared.

"Calm down angel you'll like the sanctuary. Won't she Shane my boy."

"Yeah she will. Ssh calm down baby." He pressed his lips lightly to mine.

At some point I had cried myself to sleep. I woke when Shane shook my shoulder.

"Wake up Emma, we're here." He said.

"Welcome to the sanctuary sweetheart. Shane here will explain the rules and how things work. I'll give you a few days to adjust before we talk further. Shane a quick word." Negan told Shane.

When they were done. Shane started to usher me away.

"Wait....what are you gona do to Daryl?"

"That's no concern of yours princess. Your Shane's now." He said before turning and walking away.

"Come on Emma." Shane pulled my arm leading me further down the hall.

He opened a door at the end of the hall. Walking in there was a couch,chair bed, bookshelf, TV, a small table and a equipped kitchen.

"Not bad huh? All things considered." He laughed.

"What should we do first Emma? A shower, something to eat, talk or should we just jump into bed make up for lost time." He snickered kissing my neck.

"Don't Shane." I said moving away keeping my back to him.

"Oh that's right. Your a married woman now huh? What a crock of shit.....I'm talking to you!" He yelled spinning me around.

"What do you want me to say Shane?"

"Did you even care Emma? Or was it always him?"

"Shane, don't be an asshole you know the answer to that. I was a mess after you...after you were gone. I cried for you you for weeks. I morned you for months." I cried. "I loved you Shane. There was just you then." I said tears now rolling down my face.

"He just left me there....Rick. We got in a situation walkers were everywhere. I ran into a bus. Trying to hold off the ones after me. I watched him....him and Randall. They ran out of there without a look back. He told me before we got there. To stay away from you. That he didn't want us together." He stopped sitting on the edge of the bed.

"How did you get here? How did you wind up with him?" I asked.

He got up off the bed. Coming my way I backed up until I hit a wall. His nose brushing against my neck.

"Mmm I've missed your scent Emma. You always smell like vanilla." His lips lightly grazing my neck.

"Shane please...please don't."

"Do you really not love me anymore Emma?"

Before I could answer there was a knock at the door.

"I have to take care of something sit and don't move. I'll be back." He kissed my cheek before walking out. Locking the door behind him.

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