Where have you gone?

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"Hey dad."

"Hey sweetheart.....thought it was bout time the three of us had a talk.

Daryl and I passed each other a look.

"How long has this been going on?"

"A little while."

"I'm assuming it was going on at the prison?"


"Before the prison?"


"I'm just trying to understand Emma."

"There's really nothing you need to understand daddy. I'm grown and I love him. We don't want you to not approve,but we don't have to have it."

"You love her?"

"I love both of 'em Rick."

"Yeah....yeah I guess I know that." He said looking kind of conflicted.

"We're sorry we didn't tell you before. We were going to then everything went crazy."

"Okay." He sighed. She's my baby you better take care of her and Hunter."

"I will always."

He kissed my head and walked back inside.

"Not as bad as I thought it would be." He smirked pulling me to him.

"I love you Dixon."

"I love you Em."

When we walked back in everyone was talking. Dad told us about agreeing to go to Washington with Abraham. After checking on Hunter. I went to talk with Maggie and Tara. Daryl had walked out to smoke a cigarette.

A little later Sasha came over.

"Have y'all seen Bob?" She asked.

"No we haven't." All of us said.

"We'll help ya look." I volunteered.

We walked outside with her looking around.

"Where's Daryl?" I asked. "He was out here."

We walked back inside telling dad we couldn't find Bob or Daryl. Turns out Carol was missing to.

A few of the others went outside looking around again. I sat with Hunter,Judy and Carl.

When they came back in Sasha went for Father Gabriel.

"What have you done?" She asked.

"I...I've done nothing. He stuttered.

"It's all connected. You show up now three of our people are gone." She yelled.

As she pulled out her knife. Dad pulled her back.

"Why did you bring us here? You with someone?" Dad asked.

"I'm alone, I'm alone. I've been alone the whole time.

"What did you do Gabriel? What did you do?" Dad yelled.

"I locked the doors. I always lock the doors at night." Gabriel cried.

He told us how his congregation had came seeking shelter. He left them outside to the walkers. He didn't help them. He sobbed saying he was damned.

Suddenly we heard whistling from outside.

"There's something..someone lying in the grass." Glenn said.

"Daryl?..." I said running towards the door.

"Emma!!" Dad yelled after me.

It's Bob I yelled back running out to him.

"Oh my god his leg." Sasha yelled.

"Come on lets get him inside." I said.

There were walkers starting to surround us. Sasha,Maggie and I carried Bob in while the others took care of the walkers.

Once awake Bob told us it was Gareth and a few others from Terminus. Who had taken him. He woke to them eatting his leg. He said Gareth said Carol and Daryl had drove off. I felt for Sasha as Bob showed her the walker bite on his shoulder.

Bob was moved to a sofa in Gabriels office. Abraham had started a rant wanting to leave. Saying it was to dangerous to stay.

"We're not leaving without Daryl and Carol." I said.

"You need to face the fact their probably dead. Or maybe they ran off together." Abrahma replied.

"He wouldn't leave us, and he's not dead." I yelled.

Maggie hugged me allowing me to cry on her shoulder.

Glenn made a deal if they stayed and helped us find Daryl and Carol. He,Maggie and Tara would leave with them tommrow.

I stood staring out the window hoping to see him.

"He's strong Emma. He'll make it back."

"What if he doesn't daddy? I can't....I can't not without him." I cried.

Dad held me while I cried till I had no tears left. I laid with Hunter on our blanket.

"Daddy's gona be back baby. He'll come back for us." I said rubbing her little belly.

Dad and the others had made a plan to get Gareth and his group. Dad,Glenn,Maggie,Michonne,Abraham,and Tara were to go. The rest of us hid out in Gabriel's office.

Not long after they left we heard the church doors pried open.

"Well I guess you know we're here and we know your here. We're armed. So there's no point in hiding. We've been watching you. Gotta say we loved the show the archer and his girl gave us out there in the woods a few days ago."

I tensed as everyone looked to me. Embarrassed I bowed my head.

"We know who's here.... There's Bob, unless you've put him down.

"Eugune, Tyreese, Rosita, Carl, Judith, Hunter and my personal favorite Emma. Everyone else walked out with your guns. This isn't a big place, we'll find you. Best just come out now."

Judith and Hunter both started crying giving our location away.

"I'm liking those kids more and more.....Father listen our beef isn't with you. Come out now and you can walk away. We'll let you take the babies with you. Last chance....."

It got quiet for a moment. Dad and the others were now inside the church.

We couldn't make out what was being said. Once the screams started Ty opened the door. He and I standing there watched as dad and the others killed Gareth's group.

The next morning we all took our turns saying goodbye to Bob. He was getting weaker we all knew he didn't have much time left. I felt for Sasha having to say goodbye to him. It made me think of Shane. There were still days when I missed him.

Now Daryl was gone, I didn't know if he was dead or alive. If I'd ever see his face again. It was suddenly hard to breath. I quickly handed Hunter to Carl and ran outside.

I sat on my knees on the side of the building struggling to catch my breath.

"Breath Emma, come on it's okay. Look at me deep breaths hunny." Maggie coached.

Once I could breath the tears started falling.

"Emma, sshh calm down. Daryl's gona be fine. He's a survivor Em."

"I can't....I can't breath without him Maggie. If he's....I can't..."

"Ssshh, it's alright. It's gona be fine. Just relax."

I laid my head against her lap as she rubbed my head.

He has to come back I thought he just has to.

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