Another Goodbye

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"My Son!" Ji Sung's mother greeted him with a big hug. "We missed you. Jin Ah! It's so good to see you!"

"Mother," he said, bussing her on the cheek before stepping aside to let his mother hug Jin Ah.

"How was Christmas with Jin Ah's parents?" his mother asked them both.

Jin Ah remained shy with his mother, having only met a couple of times at this point, so she waited for Ji Sung to answer. "It was wonderful, Mother. Her parents have sent you and Father some gifts."

"Oh! That's wonderful. Let's go sit while we wait for the food to be ready," she said.

Jin Ah followed them. Ji Sung rarely discussed his family but she could tell that he missed his Mother very much. He didn't take his eyes off her while he told her about his stay in LA and the holidays in Daegu.

"You're staying her for a few more weeks!" his Mother exclaimed. "How wonderful!"

"Yes, Mother. It's Jin Ah's birthday in a couple of weeks. I wanted to make sure I'm here for that or else she might leave me," he said and it made Jin Ah blushed.

Widening her eyes, she defensively said, "I'm not!"

He grinned. "I know --"

Whatever he meant to say was cut off by his Father's entrance. "You'll be here after the New Year? Aren't you missing out on the opportunities that may come while you are away?"

Ji Sung's posture immediately changed. From the relaxed sitting position with legs crossed and an easy smile for his Mother, he immediately stood up, with his back straight, face hardened as he stared at the older man. "Father."

"Well?" Chairman Hwang asked, waiting for a response to his query.

"The office is set up so I can take calls from here. From the initial meetings we had while I was away, there is increased interest in Korean stars so it is more beneficial that I make deals with agencies here and then use that to get projects in Hollywood. It helps my business and it helps increase the exposure of our actors," Ji Sung said.

His Father was skeptical but only said, "Let's head to the dining table. I don't want the food to go cold."

They started eating and Jin Ah couldn't help but miss her dinner with her parents. It was informal and her parents always had something to chat about with each other or with her. Even when she was younger, she was allowed to speak her mind or share her thoughts about the topic. With Ji Sung's parents, she could tell that he only spoke when he was addressed.

That said, she wondered if they would ever get to tell them their news. She nervously fidgeted in her seat. Turning to her, Ji Sung checked if she was alright. Nodding, he looked to the direction of his Father, and then his Mother at the opposite end of the long dinner table.

Clearing his throat, he started, "Father. Mother. We came here not only because it's New Year's Eve."

His Mother's eyes widened, a sharp contrast to the frown that his Father gave.

"I have asked Jin Ah to marry me and she has accepted."

His Mother squealed in delight. "Is it true, Jin Ah? You are engaged?"

"Yes, Ma'am," Jin Ah replied, smiling at her.

"Another daughter! I am so very happy!"

"You will have a prenuptial agreement," his Father said.

"No," Ji Sung answered back."If you wish, you can change your will but I am not coming up with such an agreement for the money I have earned."

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