Moving On

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The week following their visit to Ji Sung's parents' house felt like they turned a page. Kim Rye-won kept her distance, although Ji Sung still caught her staring at him sometimes. He would nod to acknowledge her but nothing more than that. There was, after all, nothing else to say.

Jin Ah asked if they could discuss his ex-girlfriend and his father now. "How do you feel about that?"

He sighed. "About my Father? I hope he keeps his word. I just want to live peaceful life. He still is my father and I do not wish to have any reason to be mad at him but I'm tired of everything he's done."

She stayed quiet. 

He thought about what she said, then shrugged. "About Rye-won? I don't feel anything. Maybe a little pissed off that she told you that because I don't know what she expects you to do. Other than that, nothing."

"I feel a little pity for her."

"Huh? Pity?!"

Jin Ah nodded, hugging him tightly. Since they were on his couch, she sank deeper into the embrace and held him tighter. "I just wonder what she must be going through. I mean to even consider your father's offer and have her fiancé involved? It might be a big problem for them and  I can't help but feel sorry. Then, after going along with such a terrible plan, she falls for you again."

Ji Sung sighed. "You have such a good heart."

"I can't blame her for wanting you back, though," Jin Ah said. 

"And why is that?"

"You look so handsome now! Who can blame anyone for wanting those good looks to wake up to every morning?" she said, smiling up at him. 

Ji Sung grinned then quickly pouted. "Wake up to... you wouldn't even sleep beside me now."

It was true. Jin Ah would check on him at night but decided that the time was not right to share a bed after one of their make out sessions ended up with him groaning in pain after she ended up on top and putting some weight on him. Eventhough the doctor had given him the all clear, they hadn't been intimate since because she was too worried.

Jin Ah narrowed her eyes at him. "Behave. Save your strength. When you're back to 100% then we'll see."

"I'm well! Didn't you hear the doctor?" he said, with eyes pleading.

She laughed. "Why are you so cute?"

"Cute enough to kiss?"

Laughing, she kissed his jaw. "Are you really better? Don't lie to me, Ji Sung. You know that I worry."

He hugged her hoping to convey assurance that he has fully healed. "Yes. I feel great. Don't stress anymore."

"I can't help it," Jin Ah said. Pulling back to look at him, she continued, "I like you. A lot. And would prefer to keep you around for a long time."

Kissing her nose,  "I'm going to stick with you until you get so sick of me."

"It's not going to happen, though. I think I'm going to have the biggest crush on you forever."

Ji Sung laughed. "You're making my heart flutter." He leaned in again, unable to take his eyes off her plump red lips. "May I please kiss you?"

She nodded and closed the gap between them.

The kiss that started out sweet, soon turned intense as they angled their heads to deepen it. Jin Ah couldn't help but moan. "Are you sure you're fully healed?"

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