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The following week started with Jin Ah making an effort to show Ji Sung that she wanted to fix things between them. Although they had already spoken about the issue they had, she felt like it was him who was reaching out more and she wanted to show that she was as invested in this as he was.

So, for the first time, she decided to bring him food on his floor.

After finding out that the project team would be working over lunch, she decided to get him some of the sardine pasta he liked and a Cafe Americano.

When she got to his floor, she shyly asked if he was in. "Yes, Ms. Yoo. Please go ahead," the floor receptionist said.

At the meeting room, she knocked. "Hi, is Hwang Ji Sung in?"

People barely gave her a glance before turning back to their work, but Ji Sung smiled brightly upon seeing her. "Hi!"

"Hi. Sorry to bother you. I just wanted to drop off some food for you."

He smiled even bigger if that were possible. "For me? Really? Wow. Thank you!"

"Yes. Next time, I'll send pastries for the team," she promised.

Ji Sung made a face. "Nevermind them. Let their loved ones brings them food," he joked. Turning serious, he said, "We're staying late again tonight so I won't be able to have dinner with you."

"I see. How about the weekend?"

Ji Sung frowned. "We're doing a pitch out of town. I don't get back until Monday."

"Alright. I'll see you next week then? Let's start planning our itinerary for London?" She asked.

"Sure. Sounds good," he agreed. "I hope we finish this project soon. Just a little more and we're done."

"Good luck! I'll miss you," she said in a lower voice so no one would hear.

"Me too. I'll see you as soon as I get back," he promised.

The week long separation would be a challenge, especially knowing his ex-girlfriend would be there, but they promised to be better and they plan to keep that promise.

While Jin Ah waited for his return, she busied herself with work, errands and spending time doing things she loved to do when she wasn't with Ji Sung yet, such as discovering a new coffee shop and reading a good book.

It was about 30 minutes into it when she noticed a man who was staring at her. Uncomfortably shifting in her seat, she faced a different direction so he couldn't stare but a few minutes later, when she turned, he was still there glancing at her from time to time.

Freaked out, she took her phone and sent a couple of messages, one to a good friend in the city and another to Ji Sung. I'm running errands and noticed someone following me.

Ji Sung called immediately. "Head to my house. He can't follow you there. I'll call security."

"I've called my friend who can help me out with the cops so don't stress. I just wanted you to know," she assured. Hearing his protest, she continued, "I'll still stay at your place."

"Take care of yourself. Keep me posted, okay? I'll try to head back early," he informed.

Jin Ah gathered her things so she can leave. When she looked up, the man was beside her.

"Ms. Yoo, I am Park Sang Baek. I am Ryeo-won's fiancé."

Surprise was an understatement. She remained standing, curious as to what the man needed from her.

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