Chapter 8

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Y/n L/n's POV

"Woooaaah" I said under my breath while looking around. It wasn't like world 1 at all. There were no tall buildings that reached the sky, no loud cars zooming passed everybody and no phones.

The houses and shops were made out of wood and some cement, they used carriages as their mode of transportation and their clothes had a medieval vibe. Not to mention the people living here weren't humans but elves. "This is so cool!"

My eyes traveled to every corner, everything my eyes landed on was just so fascinating. My gaze then dropped to what seemed to be a treehouse in the forest and not just one but hundreds of them.

They were quite far from the town but they're visible if you look close enough. With curious eyes, I tapped Mina's shoulder and pointed to where they were. "Do elves live there?"

She rose her brow before turning to what I was pointing at. "Oh, yes, that is correct. Elves live in different areas in world 2 like in mountains, forests, villages and cities. They live where they want to stay in, it really just depends on them" She explained just as Tzuyu suddenly pulled me to her side with a sword in her hand.

"Look what I got" She smirked when my jaw dropped after seeing the weapon in her hand. "That's a real sword!" I exclaimed and snatched it from her. "Where'd you get this?" I asked, excitedly.

"From that shop over there" She pointed at the sword shop behind using her thumb. "Pretty cool, isn't it?"

"It's awesome!"

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She smirked, grabbing her new sword from my hold and inserted it in it's scabbard that was attached to the belt wrapped around her hips where it stayed there. "I know right" She said, proudly.

"And where exactly did you get the money to buy that?" Mina asked, arms crossed and brow raised while staring suspiciously at Tzuyu who let out an awkward chuckle.

"Y-You see.. Uh, don't get mad b-but..." She looked everywhere except for the fairy's eyes.

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