Chapter 14

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Chou Tzuyu's POV

My feet ran across the dry lands below us, panting while dragging the stubborn elf who still refuses to leave Y/n behind to fight that stupid tiger all by herself. "Tzuyu, wait!! We can't leave her to fight alone, she'll die!!"

"Will you shut up and just run faster?! She'll be fine!"

'She'll be fine... She's Y/n, the overpowered shit knight I know... She'll always be fine'

"No, she won't!! She's strong, yes. But not strong enough to beat that danger beast!!"

My jaw clenched and tried my absolute best to keep myself from shouting at her, she's seriously getting in my nerves. I know her intentions were pure but she can't just boss me around, telling me that Y/n can't handle herself as if she's known that shit knight for years.

'Ignore her, Tzuyu... Ignore her or you might end up admitting something you'll regret saying...' I have this annoying habit of spilling how I really feel whenever I'm upset and now is really not the time for that fuckery.

"Oh, so are you just going to ignore me now?! I may not know her that well but—"

Alright, that's the fucking last straw...

"BUT I DO!!" I screamed, halting in my place before gripping on her sides tightly and glared at her. "I KNOW HER DAMN WELL! SHE WON'T DIE TO SOMETHING LIKE THAT! She's stronger than us! She's out of our league and I know that fucking well and you don't!!" I was angry and annoyed. Maybe even more than that.

Out of all the shit that could have happened to us, it just had to be this one. It just had to be an A-class danger beast, a man eating monster, a giant black tiger. Of all the days this could have happened, it just had to be today when I wasn't prepared and I'm annoyed because of it.

I thought that once we start our journey back to our original world, I could finally let her see I'm not some kid who she needs to protect, that I wasn't a baby that needed to be behind her all times and I wasn't some kind of little sister she had to act tough in front of just to reassure me that she'll definitely keep me safe. I wanted to show off to her for once... but here I am, running away and letting her handle everything again...

"Now, I look even more like a child in her eyes..." I muttered through gritted teeth, keeping my head down. "I'm trying my best to look like a woman to her but she's always out there preventing that from happening..."

'Stupid, shit knight...'

"T-Tzu? Sorry, what were you saying? I couldn't hear you" Momo's voice made me snap out if it and immediately lift my head back up, glaring at her again.

"I-I said we need to hurry if we don't want Y/n to wait. She'll be okay, have some faith in her, damn it!" I started running again but this time the elf willingly followed me to the entrance.

Once we arrived, our eyes immediately landed on a group of knights in the distance that looked like they were looking for something. All of them looked like regular knights but one in particular seemed to be an elite leading them. 'Just what I was looking for...'

I quickly dashed to them without much thought, leaving MiMo behind. "HELP!! There's a Black Tiger outside of the city and my friend is currently fighting it! Please hurry!!" I yelled, earning all of their attention including their leader who was dressed in shining armor that had some oddly familiar green decorations attached to it. Waaay to familiar actually.

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