Chapter 46

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Y/n L/n's POV

A hard kick on my chest knocked the wind out of me, hurling me deep into the ground as blood rushed out of my mouth.

I wasn't even given the time to process the agonizing pain I felt after seeing a blinding light flicker above me. Quickly rolling to the side, I barely managed to dodge the deadly laser aimed at my head.

"Shit..." I mumbled while wiping away the red fluid nestled around my lips. With a deep inhale, I got back up and raised my hand. "Icicle lance!"

A long spear of ice generated inside my hand, it was a high-class spell that could pierce through anything it touches. Pulling my arm back, I threw the incredibly sharp piece of ice as it soared through the air.

Dilariel tilted to the side, lazily avoiding it. However, the tip had grazed his arm due to how careless he was when dodging.

A mild yet long cut opened on his right forelimb, blood oozing out of the fresh slit. He really was weak against magic. He looked down, oddly satisfied with the results of my attack.

"Well done!"

Is he a masochist or some shit?...

"But you need to put in more effort than that" He smirked, maneuvering his wings into my direction. He flew downwards at a speed I couldn't keep up with, and by raising his uninjured arm, he drove his fist right into my face.

My head leaned back with a snap, almost breaking my neck as my eyes locked on the sky. His punch held so much weight, just like the rest of his blows.

My body hurled backwards, feet sliding on the dry lands while digging the heels of my boots into the rough ground. I could feel more blood dripping out of my nose when I came to a stop.

I'm surprised I haven't lost consciousness yet. A normal person taking that punch would've lost their head. Fortunately, I was the farthest thing from normal.

In fact, I was abnormal. Only a psycho like me would dive right back into a battle I was losing and even dare myself to return that punch.

Drawing my fist back, I did exactly what he did to me. The only difference was the power gap between our blows. My punch had reached him, but he was too strong to fling backwards.

So, I resorted to another way of getting my revenge. "Hell flare!" This particular spell seems to work really well on him, so I've been using it again and again ever since our death match started.

Gasping for air, I dropped down on one knee, struggling to keep my legs straight. The concerning amount of spells I used were finally catching up to me.

I had never used so much magic before. I always preferred relying on Calamitrous, but my sacred weapon was currently too weak to lay a scratch on him.

The more magic one uses, the more their energy gets drained. And it's been over an hour since I kept spamming him with high-class spells. If I use hell flare one more time, then it's over for me.

"Like elves, fairies also live long," and there he goes again, starting a meaningless conversation I don't want to engage in. "Our appearance barely changes, but our bodies do react to our old age"

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