Chapter 16

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The sound of light footsteps made Nayeon look up from the book she was reading and turn to the newcomer who had the biggest scowl on her face as she looked down at her with raging eyes.

"So, this is where you've been?"

"Yo, Jeongyeon. How was the mission?" She replied nonchalantly before bringing her attention back to the object in her hands, completely ignoring the fact that the person behind her was so ready to push her off the cliff she was currently resting at.

"Don't give me that crap, Nayeon! How dare you abandon your mission and throw it over to me!!" Jeongyeon yelled, burning holes at the back of her friend's head and immediately received a pout from Nayeon.

"Fiiiine, I'm sorry... I wasn't feeling well so I had no other choice but to give it to you since I obviously couldn't pass it over to Queen..." She whined, the pout on her lips growing bigger as she refused to make eye contact with her captain.

Jeongyeon groaned loudly while her palm held her face just to show how disappointed she was with the older─ yet irresponsible lady in front of her. "You and your excuses..." She sighed, letting her ass fall next to where Nayeon was sitting after taking off her armor and setting it aside. "I'm exhausted so don't talk to m─"

"Jeong, I think I found my soulmate the other day!!"

"Dammit..." Once Nayeon opens her mouth, it'll take a while for it to close─ a habit Jeongyeon took notice of after years of being by her friend's side. It was annoying but that didn't stop her from asking who this soulmate she was referring to, the last time she ever heard that word come out of Nayeon's mouth was when Y/n L/n was still alive and that was 3 years ago.

'She moved on faster than I expected, and here I thought it would take another 3 years for her to completely forget about L/n...' Jeongyeon smiled, somewhat proud of the bunny. "Soulmate, you say? Who's the unlucky girl?"

And of course, Jeongyeon only received her answer after a slap was sent to the back of her head. "I met her a few days ago, Pluffy suddenly went missing when I wasn't looking and I almost went insane trying to find her but Y/n found her for me and even took care of her! She's so nice and charming, I'm totally in love~!!"

The captain's eyes grew wide once she heard the name of their dead friend before abruptly standing on her feet. "Y/n?! What do you mean Y/n found her?!"

Nayeon smiled, gently holding her hand and pulling her down to sit again. "No, it's not our Y/n that found Pluffy. They just have the same name and similar voices but I can assure you it's not the L/n we know"

"You should've said that first..." She shook her head with a sigh and laid on her back, looking up at the blue morning sky. "You sure it wasn't another impostor?"

"I doubt it, if she was evil then Pluffy would've eaten her the moment they met but instead my little bunny willingly came along with her. There's no way she could be another fool trying to pose in as the great captain, Y/n L/n..."

"That puts me at ease then. After all, Pluffy is never wrong when it comes to determining who's good or bad"

"Right?" Nayeon giggled, happy about how Jeong praised her beloved pet─ which is something that rarely happens.

"By the way, Nayeon..." Her smiled immediately dropped when she heard Jeong's voice turn serious again.

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