Chapter 34

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Upon hearing an unknown voice ring in my ears, my eyes shoot open as my gaze began wandering the white space I was floating in. Clouds were present in every direction I looked and a long river that started at the top flowed beautifully down to the bottom portion of where I was.

I didn't know how I got here or why I'm here, all I know is that I have to get out. If I remember correctly, I was in the middle of fighting some idiots that tried to steal my book then got super mad. I don't remember anything else after that– I tried to force a memory to resurface in my mind a couple of times, but all my attempts failed.

After a short sigh, I chose not to dwell on it too much and just figure out where I was. This place kind of reminds me of heaven due to the holiness it was radiating, but I'm pretty sure I'm not dead. After all, my heart is still beating and I feel very much alive.

"Quite beautiful, isn't it?" The same voice I heard a moment ago asked. It sounded from behind me and once I had turned around to look, I was met with a pair of blue eyes that rested under blonde, fluffy hair.

A young man, somewhere around 16 years of age, wore a small smile on his lips as he gestured at our surroundings. "It's rather simple, but it makes you feel at ease, does it not?"

I don't know why, but I felt obligated to give him some sort of response. And so I did, nodding at him whose smile only grew bigger.

"Glad to know you like it, my child"

My child? No matter how you look at it or how many times you do, I clearly looked older than him. He didn't fail to notice the confusion on my face then remembers something. "Ah right, I haven't introduced myself"

He chuckled at his own thoughtlessness and was about to state his name, but a sudden realization made him pause for a bit. He hummed before a ball of light glowed in his raised hand. "But I guess it would be quite impolite to introduce myself when I'm not in my real form, so I'll be giving this back to you"

The ball made its way to me and entered my body. At that moment, I could feel my limbs stretch all on their own while his body shrunk. I blinked a few times while staring at the small figure in front of me.

"I am Dandi, one of the three gods that resurrected you" The young man had taken the form of a 13-year-old boy and placed a hand on his hip.

"You're... Lord Dandi?" I asked with my brow raised. I know he just said he was a few seconds ago, but I have a hard time believing it's actually him. The gods have never summoned me before and judging by how fond he was of this space, I'm assuming I'm in his domain.

So I'm also going to assume he was the one who summoned me and not another god that mistakenly sent me to his place by pure accident. And since god himself summoned me, I was more than sure he was going to tell me something important.

With a nod, he created a chair made out of clouds and sat down. "Do you remember that conversation you had with Taeyeon the other day?"

I looked up, humming and closing my eyes to figure out which conversation he was referring to. His question was vague, but I somehow knew what he was talking about after a few more seconds of pondering.

"Are you perhaps referring to that time when she said there is an ulterior motive behind my resurrection?"

Nodding again, he leaned back on his chair. "She was right about that"

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