Chapter 25

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Y/n L/n's POV

I was warned...

"Queen can be pretty cruel"

Jeongyeon warned me clearly that day...

And yet, I feel like I wasn't warned enough...


"Keep it up, kids. You're doing great" Queen nonchalantly said before rolling another boulder down the mountain we were forced to climb.

Although there was a wide pathway leading to the top, the road was cold and slippery no thanks to the ice Queen covered it in.

That made it all the more difficult to dodge the giant rocks she was sending our way. Even though I'm a skilled and powerful woman, I couldn't deny the fact that I was having a hard time climbing this stupid mountain. And seeing me struggle seems to be boosting Dahyun's determination to get to the top before I do.

But unfortunately, Queen wasn't giving us any chances to move forward. "KYAAAAAH!" Chaeyoung let out a girly scream as Dahyun quickly jumped on her to prevent her from being squashed by the boulder coming their way.

"Damn it..." The pale girl mumbled after sliding back to the bottom, head spinning from the shock. Tzuyu laughed while Momo teasingly stuck her tongue out at them, glad that there was less competition to deal with.

Queen saw this and hummed in displeasure, not liking how the 2 were mocking the short girls even though they were also struggling.

I gulped when I saw how she was aiming 2 boulders at their direction, glaring down at them. "Good luck girls" I quickly distanced myself from them while praying for their lives in my head.

"Eh?" The elf turned her eyes up ahead and paled when extra large rocks came rolling to them.

The 2 of them hastily but carefully moved away, glaring at the elite after dodging her attack. "Are you trying to kills us!?"

"What nonsense are you speaking? As if I'd ever try to kill Lady Lee's beloved niece" Queen replied, casually sending Tzuyu another boulder.

"Your actions say otherwise!!" The tall girl yelled, jumping away.

However, that was a rather foolish move. The moment her foot touched the ground, she slipped. "Fwack!" She quickly took hold of Momo's ankle and dragged the innocent girl down to the bottom where they suffered together.

"That's what you get for being tall!" Chae yelled, making me laugh as MoTzu argued below us.

"Why'd you take me with you!?"

"If I'm going down, then you're going down with me. Those are the rules"

"Says who?!" The elf smacked Tzuyu's head.

I averted my eyes back to the top and took cautious steps forward. This may sound rude, but this kind of training is just outrageous─ yes, it does kind of helps us get stronger, but that doesn't make it any less outrageous.

Who in their right mind would make a bunch of rookies climb a slippery mountain and expect them to reach the top in half a day?!

If you think about it, Ms. Boss would definitely do this. That woman is pretty twisted for someone with such an innocent face, but I never expected Queen would be the same. They're both strict and cruel, it's no wonder they get along.

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