Chapter 33

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The 3rd world belongs to the fairies, or more specifically, it belongs to The First Fairy Queen Minatozaki Sana. Under her reign, the world of the fairies remain peaceful and joyous.

With festivals being held so often, the citizens went on with smiles everyday. They celebrated lots of things, even the trivial ones– but they especially liked to celebrate their queen's achievements and the continuous growth of their economy.

Although their queen is wingless, she was given the right to inherit the throne due to her high intelligence and ethereal beauty. Her ability to adapt to any situation, and quickly solve problems that arose in the 3rd world were characteristics truly befitting of a queen.

Not only was she the sole reason why the 3rd world had prospered drastically over the years, she was also the reason why no one could ever belittle the fairy race.

She had the weight of the world on her shoulders, and yet she did not falter even once. She took responsibility for every mishap that occurs, and is always trying to find ways to improve the world she cherishes so much. In everyone's eyes, Sana was the perfect queen.

So perfect that they'd have a hard time believing that the woman whining ever so loudly on her bed was the same person they admired to no end. "She's out training?!" Sana rolled around her bed, absolutely devastated to know her favorite trainee couldn't visit her.

She had just received a letter from the great holy knight and was expecting a positive reply to the letter she sent a few days ago, but once she read that Y/n couldn't come she almost bursted into tears.

She's been wanting to see that charming trainee again for so long, and when she finally got the courage to invite her over, she was informed that Y/n was too busy. She really felt like punching something right now, but if it left a bruise on her delicate hands her servants were bound to get worried.

So instead, she continued to whine and kick her feet into the soft mattress she was laying on. "The letter did say that Lady Lee will send Y/n over when she's done training, but that's 2 weeks from now! I don't know if I'll be able to wait that long..."

A very obvious pout was on her lips as she sulked into her pillows. She misses the trainee and wants to see her as soon as possible, but she can't just force Jieun to send her now. Not only would it be rude, but it would also get in the way of Y/n's growth. She's afraid the trainee might find her annoying for being so clingy.

Little did Sana know, if Y/n were to find out she had invited her, the latter wouldn't hesitate to abandon her training and come running to her side. "Anything for Sana" was one of Y/n's many mottos in life.

The fairy queen released a sigh before pulling herself up to sit. Looking out the window, she watched as the capital city was once again being decorated with colorful flags and flowers.

"Another festival?" Her blank eyes stared at the scenery outside. She wondered what it was like to attend a festival, would she enjoy it as much as her people do? She knew she would, especially if Y/n accompanies her.

They could roam around the city, visit shops and eat together. The capital had a lot to offer and the stalls sold a ton of interesting items that the trainee was sure to love. And if they get bored, they can always visit famous tourist spots in the 3rd world.

They could even go to the beach or have a picnic somewhere nice. Sana has always wanted to do such things, visiting beautiful places was one of the many wishes the fairy had.

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