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Chapter forty seven

Chapter forty seven

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It's been a week.

His funeral is today.

Last week, Romeo called the funeral directors while I was with Jen and we've had a week to plan the date and invite everyone. I invited Max and Megan, Ava, Sam, Jacob, Hayden, Hayley and Will. And of course, Dr. Marsh and her husband. We also got in touch with his previous orphanage and invited some of his friends, and his friends from school.

"You ready?" Romeo walks out of the bathroom in his black shirt and pants. He walks over to stand behind me as I stand, looking at myself in the mirror. I'm wearing a black dress that comes down to just above my knees and black tights, seeing as the weather is freezing.

On Wednesday, three days ago, Hayley took me shopping to get my mind off of everything, at Romeo's request. I finally found a Christmas present for Romeo, so I guess it was a win-win.

I take a deep breath. "I'm ready", I turn around to face him, placing my arms around his neck.

"Let's go", he presses his lips to mine before wrapping his arm around my shoulder and steering me down the stairs. "Max and Megan are meeting us here and they'll follow us", I nod just as the doorbell rings. "Must be them", he goes to open it. "Hey".

"Hey", Max greets as he and Romeo do the weird bro-handshake-hug-thing before he moves over to hug me. I then go over to hug Megan, who's also wearing a black dress.

"How are you doing?" I whisper to her.

"I'm okay", she nods, releasing a shaky breath.

"You got this", I reassure her.

"You guys ready to go?" We turn to see Max standing beside Romeo with his hands in his pockets.

"Yeah, let's go".

Romeo and I make our way to the church for the funeral service with Max and Megan trailing behind. "You got your speech?" He asks me. I open my small, black clutch and find the small piece of paper in there.

"Yep", I nod, slowly.

"Hey", he puts his hand on mine, looking between me and the road for a second. "You'll be okay. I'll be right there with you the whole time", he promises.

Not long after, we arrive at the church, just as Dr. Marsh shows up with her husband, driving behind the funeral car. Everyone helps take the coffin in and it doesn't take long for everyone else to arrive.

There's a picture of Parker over to the left, one we took when we all went to the amusement park; Romeo, Brooke, Parker and I. The coffin lays in the middle, closed, just like he had wished, and once everyone's was seated, we began the ceremony.

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