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⚠️everything here is probably medically incorrect but we're just going to ignore that part :) im sorry, im not a doctor⚠️

Chapter forty five

Chapter forty five

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I wake up to Romeo trying to stand up, however failing to do so, wincing as he falls back onto the bed. "I swear—", I mumble into the pillow. "If you're getting up to go to work", he tries to turn to look at me but fails, again. I lift myself up, crawling over to where he's sat on the edge of the bed.

"I have to", is all he says before trying to get up again. This time, I stand to help him up.

"And how do you expect you'd get there? You can barely walk", I gesture to him leaning on me for support.

"It's fine", he waves a hand, dismissively. "I'll get Jon to drive me today and I'll be sitting down in my chair for most of the day anyway".

"And how do you expect to get to each of those places? Because you clearly can't walk to them by yourself", I cut him off before he can answer. "Exactly, now go back to sleep", I gently push him back down on the bed, careful not to rip his stitches. "I think your mom's awake", I hear people talking downstairs. "I'll be back in a minute".

"Good morning", Will greets me as I enter the kitchen, as does Diana. She's sat on one of the bar stools, talking to Will.

"Morning, guys. How are you feeling?" I ask Diana.

"I'm better, thank you. I didn't realise I had fallen asleep", she chuckles before stopping, quickly. "How's Romeo? Is he here?" She begins to stand up but I stop her.

"Yeah, he's okay. I woke up last night and helped him stitch his cuts. He had one on his hip and one on his face".

"Oh no", she gasps. "How's he doing?"

"He's okay. I just made him go back to sleep because he was trying to go to work", I roll my eyes.

"That's all he ever does", she chuckles. "I have to go now", she checks her phone. "Brooke's sick and I offered to look after her", she stands up. "It was lovely seeing you, even if it was for such unforeseen circumstances", she hugs me before walking over to the front door. "Tell Romeo to come and see me when he's ready, and of course you are welcome any time".

"Thank you, Diana", I hug one last time before she leaves.

Then I hear a thud from upstairs.

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