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Chapter thirteen

Chapter thirteen

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Romeo didn't wake me up today. Instead, there's a small, brunette girl laying on top of me, giggling. "Wake up, wake up".

"Brooklyn? Brooklyn you can't go in there", Romeo rushes in, out of breath. "Oh um—sorry", he immediately looks away from me. "Brooke, come on. Let her get ready".

"No, I wanna stay here", she whines, laying beside me.

"It's okay, she can stay", I smile, awkwardly.

"Okay. I have to go to work today so—bye", he walks out of the room, a few minutes later I hear the front door shut.

"Why's Ro-Ro being moody?" Brooke sits up beside me.

"I don't know", I sigh. "So, what should we do today?"

"Ice cream!" She exclaims.

"Okay, here", I hand her my phone while I get up to get dressed. "You can play games while I get dressed". Luckily, I showered last night so I don't have to this morning. I grab a white crop top from my closet with a pair of khaki cargo pants, changing as quick as I can. "Ready?"

"Yep!" She jumps; I walk over to her, picking her up. She's wearing black overalls and a white T-shirt, with her hair in two adorable french braids.

"It's still early, so we can do something else before we go", I say and we walk downstairs. "How about we bake something?"

"Brownies! Please can we? Please?" She pleads.

"Yeah, of course. As long as we have all the ingredients", I say, placing her on the counter as I look through the cupboards.

Unsalted butter? Check.
Plain flour? Check.
Eggs? Check.
Caster sugar? Check.
Milk chocolate? Check.
White chocolate? No.
Dark chocolate? No.


"So, we have five out of seven ingredients. How do you feel about taking a trip to the store?"

"Yay!" She jumps a little, grinning from ear to ear.

"Okay, let's go", I scoop her up in my arms, grabbing my car keys and putting our shoes on. "Sh—oot. I don't have a car seat", I stop walking.

"It's okay, I'm a big girl", Brooke leans her head on my shoulder.

"Why don't we go to the park for a while, then get ice cream, and then we can go to the store on the way back, deal?"

"Okay!" She exclaims as we walk out of the house.


"Brooke, are you ready to go and get ice cream?" I call out to Brooke from my space on the bench. We've been in the park for about an hour, maybe a little longer, and I'm starting to get hungry. Wait.

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