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Chapter fifty two

Chapter fifty two

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Morgan and I have been back from Bora Bora for a few hours and she's not left my side since we've been back home.

I've been scrolling on my phone for a while as I lay in bed before deciding to get up to get some food.

Oh right, I can't.

Morgan is laying on top of me.

She's laying on her stomach, spread out on my chest like a starfish.

"Baby", I whisper, discarding my phone on the bed as I wrap my arms around her. "I wanna go get some food", she groans, gripping my hoodie harder as she shakes her head. "Please? I'll bring you some", I say, almost certain she'd let me go if I bring her some...I'm wrong. She whines before sniffling, so I lift my head from the bed to look down at her face. Her eyes are closed but I see the dampness around them. "Babe, what's wrong?" My warm hands go under her shirt, rubbing her back soothingly.

"Nothing", she mumbles.

"No, you can't break our promise. You promised you'd always tell me when you're sad s—".

"I'm sad", she cuts me off.

"I mean tell me why you're sad", I chuckle, but frown as I see she's not laughing along with me, nor even smiling. "You don't want to tell me?" She shakes her head, her eyes still closed. "You just want me to lay with you until you're ready to tell me?" She nods. "Okay", I continue to rub her back as I press a kiss to the top of her head.

"I love you", she whispers. "So much", her voice cracks.

"I love you more", I see a small smile appear on her face as I say that, knowing she hates it when I do. She claims she doesn't want to be one of those couples who argue over who loves who more.

For the next hour, I continue to scroll through my phone, answering emails and downloading random games as I let Morgan sleep.

She eventually gets up and drags me downstairs to the kitchen. I sit on a bar stool as she walks over to grab a bowl and a box of cinnamon toast crunch. "You want some?"

"Babe, it's lunch time".

"So you don't want some?"

I chuckle, shaking my head. "No, thanks. I'll make an omelette. Do you want me to make you one?" She shakes her head, pouring her cereal.

After I've made it, Morgan and I both sit and eat at the island before finishing and making our way into the living room. I take a seat on the couch as she turns the TV on and walks over to me, cuddling into my side. "You ready to tell me why you were sad now?"

"I just don't want to lose you", she mumbles, clinging on to me as if she's afraid I'll leave.

"Babe", I rub circles on her arm. "You're not gonna lose me", I promise her. "You can't get rid of me that easily", I kiss the top of her head before turning to play a movie on the TV.

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