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Chapter fifty

Chapter fifty

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Dinner ran smoothly after the slight hiccups after Manuel arrived. Surprisingly, he behaved, until he dragged me into his office. "I know who you are". Fuck. "And I know what you're here to do".

"And I suppose you're here to threaten me into not doing it", he chuckles, leaving me confused.

"No. I'm here to tell you to do it—".

"Dad?" Rafael walks in. "What are you doing?"

"Nothing, we were just having a little chat", I look at Raf who looks back at me, questioning if what he's saying is true. I nod and he gestures for me to leave, so I do.

"There you are. I've been looking for you everywhere", Romeo walks over to me. "You ready to go?" I nod, following him to say goodbye to his family.

After we say goodbye to his aunts, uncles and cousins, we make our way into the kitchen to see Diana and Abby. "Hey, you guys".

"Hey, mom. We're gonna leave now", he walks over to hug her before hugging Abby.

"The food was amazing. Thank you or the invite", I say to Diana as I hug her.

"Are you kidding? You're part of the family", she pulls away and I move over to hug Abby.

"We should hang out", she pulls away and puts both hands on my shoulders.

"Y—yeah, okay, sure", she smiles at me as I walk back to stand beside Romeo.

"See you guys later", he waves before putting an arm around my shoulders and leading me out the door. As we reach the car, I blast the heat and turn on the radio to listen to the Christmas songs playing. As we drive back, Romeo's hand switches to my thigh, lightly rubbing his thumb across my leg.

When we pull up into his drive, he gets out and takes my hand to lead me inside, telling me he wants to show me the gifts he bought me. "Slow down", I chuckle as he pulls me up the stairs to our room.

"Okay", he stops, turning to face me. "First gift is in there", he backs into the room, leading me inside.

"Oh my god", I chuckle, looking at the giant stuffed bear laying on the bed. "I love it, thank you", I jump on it, feeling how soft it is.

"Okay okay, next one", he walks over to sit in front of me. "Here", he hands me two pieces of paper he slid out from under my pillow.

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