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Chapter twenty

Chapter twenty

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The pain in my throat caused me to wake up, much earlier than I would've liked. I squeeze my eyes shut, hoping the pain would subside however, that, of course, doesn't happen.

After debating my options—option one, lay in bed and suffer until Romeo wakes up; option two, text him, which he would take forever to reply because he's asleep; or option three, go into his room and ask for help—I decide on option three. As much as I don't want to, the pain in my throat is unbearable.

I tiptoe over to his room, quietly opening the door and entering. I take a seat next to his shirtless body, poking his arm until he stirs awake. "Hm?" He groans.

"Sorry", I wince. "Sorry for waking you so early", he rubs his eyes, sitting up next to me.

"Are you okay?" He asks, I shake my head. "What's the time?" I show him my phone, 4:42am.

"Sorry it's so early", I croak, squeezing my eyes shut from the pain, again.

"I've got to get up soon anyway", he rubs his eyes again. "What's wrong?" I point to my throat, not wanting to talk anymore. "Your throat?" I nod. He leads me into his bathroom, sitting me on the counter. "Open your mouth, and stick your tongue out", I do that, saying 'ah', then laughing at how stupid I probably look. "It looks like you've got a throat infection. You're going to have to take antibiotics for it. Lucky for you, I have a packet in here", he opens a cupboard, giving me two antibiotics.

"Thanks", I jump down from the counter, going to grab my bottle of water from my room to take the tablets. After taking them, I scroll through my phone for a while before I make my way back to Romeos room, scratching my arms. "Why are my arms so itchy?" I begin to get rashes all over me. "What were those tablets?"

"Penicillin, why?" Fuck.

"I'm allergic to that!" I continue scratching my arms while freaking out.

"What? Oh shit. I—I didn't know, it was all I had", he starts freaking out with me. "Didn't you know it was for infections? You should've asked what I gave you".

"I didn't know what it's used for. I've never had to know because I've never had it before", I start to scratch my legs. "Just take me to a hospital please", he nods, grabbing a shirt and his keys. I grab the nearest sweater I can find, pulling it over my tank top.

"We're taking the Mercedes because it's the first set of keys I picked up", he gets in, waiting for me to get in too. "Try not to scratch them, it will make it worse", he says as we're on our way. I close my eyes, holding back my sarcastic comment.

"Alright", I breathe, trying my best not to scratch my arms and legs. "On the bright side, my throat's stopped hurting", I try to lighten the mood.

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