Chapter three - The Iconic Fight

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Astrid's POV

After finishing my odd meeting with Liam, I sat in my room baffled, thinking about what had just happened. Being completely honest, during my 18 years, my life had been utterly boring. Meaning so, I had never been as close to a famous person as I had been with Liam some minutes ago. Of course, if you were to consider Bradley James someone "famous", he would count as an exception.

Max's dad was the coolest guy on earth (hands down, don't argue me on this one). I had liked Wild Kiss since long before I had met Max. Indeed, I had loved it, been passionate about it, and even developed an obsession bigger than the one I have with One Direction. 

I met Max the second day of school, literally. I found him wasted in the middle of the road after a homecoming party and I had to take care of him all night long. I took him to the Commons Room and, after he woke up, I tended to him. We hit it off immediately, we were really alike and I thought (I really, really thought) that we'd be together at last. He is a great man, Maximilian Austin, so I obviously  fell in love with him at first ( I mean, who wouldn't? The kid was perfect!). Nonetheless, just some weeks later after I met him,  he began his relationship with Kate. I then realized that I wasn't the girl for him.

She is.

We ultimately became really close, to the point of being like brother and sister. Therefore, I started frequenting the James' household too often. In this sense, I spent vacations with them and even went to their large family meetings. I was one of them, and I even felt more comfortable with them than I did with my own family.

Going back to Bradley, he is completely laid back and relaxed. I loved being with him, because he is one of the few people in this world who brings actual peace to my life. He has this ability, I may say, to bottle up his emotions. Even though this may not be something good most of the time, I think that's the way we roll. He seems not to have a single problem in the world, but, in reality, he has millions. On the other hand, I seem not to have a single problem in the world, but, in reality, I have millions. 

Even though our ages were very distant,  we got on really well since the very beginning. Indeed, we talked about his music and music in general all the time. We engaged ourselves in long discussions of the importance of The Rolling Stones and The Beatles. I loved almost everything about the man. I sometimes even wished that he was my father, because he obviously would have made a much better job than my biological one (but I'll get into that a little bit later on). Being completely honest, the only thing that I didn't like about Bradley was that he didn't like One Direction.

He hates One Direction.

I think that the epitome of this ridiculous hate for the band was that there was even this ridiculous rule in his house that One Direction couldn't even be mentioned. I thought it was crazy, but the rest just rolled eyes and accepted his condition. I had to do so too. In the end, it was his house.

Max's family, yet, was more than Brad.

Firstly, Jake was there too. He was barely ten years old, but certainly the most precious guy that anyone could ever think of. He was always saying nice things to the others and making his smile illumine the world. AKA, a cuter version of Max.

Serena, Max's older sister, was amazing. She was two years older than Max and a diehard One Direction fan. Well, maybe not a diehard, but she DID like them and she gave her dad a hard time because of it. Also, she was smart as hell. She had a Yale's bachelors degree in economics and was now working in Wall Street.

Then, Christina was there too. Max's mom, Brad's high school sweetheart and, ultimately, his true love. My heart swooned every time I heard the story. They'd met in high school and Christina was the one who encouraged Bradley to form Wild Kiss. She was the propulsion of Bradley's plans, and as he would say "the motor of his life".

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