Chapter fifty-two - Anticipation

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Okay hey.

This author's note doesn't have anything to do with the fanfic, however, it does talk about One Direction's actual situation. Read it if you really care about them.

I think that before anything else I really should talk about all the drama lately. To be honest, I've had the worst day. I got home to the news that my dream school had rejected me (no biggie, I know) and I then disposed to sleep all day. I really am not strong enough to even talk about Zayn right now, but I know that I should. Probably because no one else would hear my ranting otherwise. I mean, this is a Zayn fanfic, I guess that you're sad too, right?

I woke up to the news that Zayn was looking for lawyers' help to end his commitment with One Direction. When I finished reading the article, I realized that he most probably wouldn't be able to do it, to quit the band. The legal strings of the contact are too strong, and he will need a lot of work (and a shitload of money) to end it before time. However, that is not the problem. The problem is that he wants out. He doesn't want to be out on stage anymore.

If you don't care about this, you're not a real Directioner. To be honest, this is the biggest crisis, in which the band has been submerged into. And you want to know the worst part? We are the problem. We originated it. With stupid rumors and irrational hate, we pushed Zayn to his edge. I know that if it hadn't been Zayn and Harry instead, this wouldn't be happening. Zayn has always been the one having the hardest time adjusting to the fame, and has wanted to leave the band before, but anyway, we went too far this time. The worst part of the worst part? Zayn was trying to change. Zayn was trying to change for us and we messed it up. He was tweeting more, he was happier on stage. Do you think that he really cared changing? No! Zayn would be equally paid, tweeted or not, but he wanted us to be happy! He was doing it for us! And we messed it up.

We have to stop making stupid assumptions. For all we knew, that girl in the club was not someone important in Zayn's life. However, the whole fandom automatically assumed that Zayn was cheating on Perrie and he obviously got mad. I would get mad too! They're engaged for hell God! We can't know anything, for sure, of how Zerrie is right now, but I doubt that they are okay. If Zayn is thinking of quitting the band, I'm 100% sure that it's because of Perrie. Don't get me wrong here, this doesn't mean that she's a straight b**** and is asking him to leave, but she probably got enough. She left him, and he is determined to get her back (What a hopeless romantic, heh?). Maybe he thinks that quitting the band is the only way. Maybe it is. I know that looking at it from the perspective that she is a band too means that she should understand. But there are some things that she wouldn't have to understand. The hate. The fact that her fiancé is NEVER with her. Once again, we have to remember that she is human too. She gets tired after some point.

I know that this post is also full of assumptions of Zerrie's situation, however, they have a point. I am writing this to let whoever reads this know that the boys are human too. I know that they may seem Gods or something else sometimes, but they have feelings too. We fucked up, without a single doubt, and now we are paying for our mistakes. Zayn is quitting the band. And if he doesn't we will know that he isn't happy there anymore. He would be doing it because he can't get rid of a contract. Which one is sadder? Find out yourself.

Truth is, One Direction is over. One Direction was all about the fun that the guys had on stage, the love and passion that they had for their music. And all that is now gone. It faded.

We made it fade.

I wish that I could help, I wish that I could propose a solution, I wish that I could reassure you that everything is alright. But I can't, I don't have one, and I'm pretty sure that not everything will be alright. On the opposite, I do believe that, no matter what we do, and even though One Direction keeps going, it will never be the same.

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