Sadness and Surprises

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I don't know if I like the title very much but I didn't know exactly what to call it. It works but I don't know... if that makes sense?

ANYWAYS.... Moving on!


Hollie sighed, her hands in her lap as she sat in a seat in the console room. Her eyes glazed over with fresh wet tears as she thought of different scenarios over and over in her head. She should have done more to save Rory, she should have at least pulled him into the TARDIS, maybe the Doctor could have saved him?

The blonde sighed and dug into her pocket, fishing out her phone before checking it. Five minutes... how had it only been five minutes since they said goodbye to Orion and Nova? Five minutes since the Doctor agreed to have Cassiopeia stay with them on the TARDIS for a bit? Five minutes since the other blonde and Amy headed into the halls of the TARDIS to explore.

Time was going too slow.

Hollie looked up as she saw something shift in the corner of her eye, she smiled sadly as her eyes met the Doctors, Time Lord stood beside the console, he couldn't have been there long, long enough to watch her though, a sad look of his own on his face. "I'm sorry..." he said.

Hollie shook her head and wiped at her eyes before forcing a strained smile. "It's not your fault, you didn't know, you couldn't know. If only I pulled him into the TARDIS-"

He cut her off. A pointed look on his face. "If you did that you'd be gone as well."

"I could have at least tried." She huffed in her own annoyance.

"And then what?" He questioned, a small frown on his face as he moved off of leaning on the console and slowly walked towards her. "I can't lose you too Holls."

Hollie rolled her eyes slightly. "You'd get over it, Doctor."

"Maybe." He replied however the look on his face said differently as he knelt down to become eye level with her. "But could I ever forgive myself? Never."

Hollie swallowed hard. "It hasn't been that long and I miss him already."

"I know." He sighed. The Doctor's eyes brightened ever so slightly as an idea came into his head. "I know what will cheer you up a bit."


The Doctor took hold of her hand, forcing her to stand up before he practically dragged her into the corridor. "Follow me."

"Where are we going?" She frowned with no choice but to follow behind him.

"You'll see." Hollie's frown deepened further as a smile formed on the Doctor's lips while the two of them walked through the corridors of the TARDIS. "So..." The Doctor began, breaking the silence between them as they walked.


There was a short pause and silence filled the air as the Doctor thought of how to word his next question before he decided to just come outright with it. "Hollie, What are you?"

The blonde stopped dead in her tracks causing the Doctor to suddenly stop as well, one foot awkwardly in front of the other as she looked at the Doctor who then turned around. "What?"

"I heard you." He replied, stepping towards her. "In my head."

"What do you mean?"

"Time Lords are telepathic." He explained with a small shrug. Hollie raised a brow before following the Doctor as he continued to walk. "We can communicate with each other through our thoughts if we wanted to, there are a few other races in the universe who can do it too."

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