Cold Blood - III

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I'm so sorry there has been a massive pause between the last two chapters of 'Cold Blood' and this one. I have once again been incredibly busy... Theres just no other excuse apart from that. *shrug* with that out of the way, lets get into it!


Hollie groaned, head on the table as Eldane and Nasreen continued to talk about their differences rather than how both species could live on Earth. "We lived on the surface of the planet long before you did," Eldane told them. "Our sole purpose has been to return to our rightful place."

"And we've got a planet that can't already sustain the people who live there. And you want to add a whole other species to drain resources." "So, what about the areas that aren't habitable to us?" Amy asked, standing up as Eldane pressed a button and a hologram of the Earth appeared in the middle of the table between them. "Australian outback," she pointed at it and then to another location. "Sahara desert, Nevada plains. They're all deserted."

"Yes, fine, but what happens when their population grows and breeds and spreads?" She replied. "And anyway, what benefit does humanity get, and how will we ever sell this to people on the surface?"

Hollie loudly groaned in annoyance as Eldane huffed slightly. "If I could get a word in, maybe I could tell you." Nasreen and Amy both kept their mouths shut and looked at the Silurian. "You give us space, we can bring new sources of energy, new methods of water supply, new medicines, scientific advances." Hollie slowly began to raise her head off the table and watched as Eldane spoke and Nasreen actually kept quiet. "We were a great civilisation. You provide a place for us on the surface, we'll give you knowledge and technology beyond humanity's dreams. If we work together, this planet could achieve greatness."

"Okay." Nasreen slowly nodded, and Hollie let out a large sigh of relief. "Now I'm starting to see it."

"Oh yeah." Amy grinned just as the sound of clapping echoed in the room, the four looked across the table and to the entrance of the courtroom as the Doctor walked in, clapping his hands, a large grin on his face. Mo and Elliot followed a short distance behind them.

'Not bad for a first session." He grinned. "More similarities than differences." He looked between both groups as he walked up to stand behind Hollie and placed a hand on her shoulder.

Eldane looked up as a noise echoed in the courthouse. "The transport has returned." He looked at the humans. "Your friends are here."

A few minutes later the group at the long table turned and watched as Rory appeared in the doorway, the Doctor raised a hand at him, a grin on his face as the man awkwardly waved back. Ambrose walked in behind him and Elliot smiled widely as he ran to her. "Mum!"

Orion frowned swallowed hard as the Doctor frowned. "Something's wrong."

"Doctor," Hollie turned to look at the Time Lord as Tony walked in carrying a body-shaped blanket under his arms. She took his hand in her fear. What had happened? "What's he carrying?"

"No." The Doctor breathed and tightened his hold on Hollie, if they were anything like Silurians he had met in the past, this wouldn't end well now. "Don't do this. Tell me you didn't do this."

Tony walked towards the long table and gently lowered the blanket-shaped body to the ground. Orion stepped forward and leaned down, moving the blanket away, revealing Alaya, eyes closed almost as if she was peacefully sleeping. He stood back up and shook his head slowly.

The Doctor looked at Tony. "What did you do?"

"It was me," Ambrose spoke up. "I did it."

"Mum?" Elliot slowly turned around and faced her, stepping backwards away from her.

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