Their Choice - III

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The Dream Lord suddenly appeared outside the camper van the Doctor was driving as it stopped.

"It makes your mind up time in both worlds."

"Fine." The Doctor replied. "But I need to find my friends."

"Friends?" The Dream Lord repeated with a snort. "Is that the right word for the people you acquire?" He asked. "Friends are people you stay in touch with. Your friends never see you again once they've grown up. The old man prefers the company of the young, does he not, or is a certain blonde stuck on your mind?" He glanced over at Hollie, still sleeping.

The Doctor shook his head. "Leave Hollie alone." He narrowed his eyes. "In fact give Holliaet back to me, now."

"Oh, that's terrifying." The Dream Lord replied, his voice or features showing anything but fear. "I'm afraid they haven't chosen yet. They're still not accepting their hearts over their heads and you know that too, don't you Doctor?"

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Oh don't try to deny that you're not interested in Hollie, look at her." He chuckled. "Gorgeous isn't she, your little rescuer."

The Doctor growled at the look on the Dream Lords face. The man laughed at the Time Lord, pointing at him and making the Doctor merely blink and stare. "There you go!" He smirked. "Now you've realised."

The Dream Lord suddenly disappeared leaving the Doctor stunned, he turned to look at Hollie and sighed. "Oh, Hollie... I'm so sorry."


After finally carrying Amy up the rest of the stairs after she fell asleep he settled her down on the floor in the nursery. He gently moved a strand of hair from her face and jumped when a loud bang suddenly echoed behind him.

"Rory!" He heard the Doctor shout through a grunt "Let me in!"

"Doctor?" The man questioned as he opened the door and blinked when he came face to face with the Time Lord carrying an asleep Hollie in his arms.

"Thanks." The Doctor muttered walking into the room before he set his eyes on Amy and deeply frowned. "Amy's not awake either?"

Rory nodded. "We just got to the house after helping her halfway up the stairs she fell asleep, I had to carry her the rest of the way up."

"Why is she asleep now?" The Doctor muttered.

"What are we going to do?" Rory asked.

"I don't know." The Doctor sighed. "I thought the freezing TARDIS was real," he looked down at the peacefully sleeping blonde in his arms, "but now I'm not so sure."


Back on the freezing TARDIS Hollie and Amy shook their heads and sat down beside each other on the stairs, ice slowly forming on their clothes in the cold. "We have to decide." Hollie chattered through her teeth.

"But how?" Amy asked.

Hollie opened her mouth to speak but snapped it shut as the Dream Lord appeared behind them. "Good question ginger." The Dream Lord pointed at Amy. "But a better question is what man do you want?"

"I told you-" she went to snap at him.

"Yes, yes." He rolled his eyes. "I know what you said, I'm not stupid but look at them." He moved towards the Doctor. "Do you want A: The 900-year-old alien with his hearts already set on not only the universe but a mystery he can't possibly solve." He questioned before moving towards Rory. "Or B: The man who hasn't stopped following you like a lost puppy for as long as you remember? Try to love the Doctor but he may never love you back, but this idiot?" He raised a brow as he looked at Rory. "He would do anything for you and you know that."

A Crack in Time [I] (The Rescuers Encomium)Where stories live. Discover now