Vincent and the Doctor - I

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I wish I could tell you why it took me so damn long to finish Vincent and the Doctor because I love this episode and I knew I'd love writing this episode but I just couldn't get into the jam of it for quite some time so that was annoying. Thankfully it is here now though. Hopefully, I did it justice. I'll get the second and third chapters of it out soon but for now, enjoy


Ever since Rory had died nothing felt the same to Hollie even with her new art room on the TARDIS the Doctor had gifted to try to cheer her up. She still couldn't let go that one of her best friends had been alive, living his life one moment and suddenly had died in the next. What made matters worse was Rory wasn't just dead, he was wiped from existence and Hollie could somehow still remember him and yet his fiancée couldn't.

Ever since they lost Rory the Doctor decided to slow down on the dangerous adventures and focused on spending his time trying to cheer the blonde up and distract her from the loss.

In the first week while Amy had been sleeping the Doctor with Cassiopeia's help surprised her one night by waking her up and taking her 7 billion years in the future to a tiny planet called Drecen with almost the entire planet's surface covered in water. The Doctor somehow entrusted Cassiopeia with the TARDIS while he and Hollie explored.

Hollie looked in amazement at the beautiful village they had visited while on the planet, her eyes widening at the small huts floating on the water, somehow magically staying in the same spot as they moved over the waves. The Doctor had explained to her that the planet suffered mass flooding over a million years ago and the people all began to work together to save the planet they loved. Eventually, the people, planets and technology evolved and they began to rebuild.

The adventure had been truly wonderful and dare Hollie say a little bit romantic with the Doctor oddly being more touchy with the blonde than usual and had rarely let go of her hand without even realising he had been doing it. He only noticed himself when they sat on the deck of one of the village huts, their feet hanging off the edge and in the water. The Doctor had suggested they took a moment to watch the sky as it shifted in hue from purple signifying the night to a bright shining orange for day. They sat in silence watching it together and the Doctor took Hollie's hand for a moment, entwining their fingers as if it was habit before he suddenly realised what he had done and a bright blush almost as light as the sky completely covered his face as he took his hand away from her and pretended nothing of the sort had happened.

Not long after that adventure small adventure, the Doctor took Hollie, Cassiopeia and Amy to the Trojan Gardens as he had initially promised before they found themselves on Arcadia, the planet the Doctor had informed them was located in the Damascene Cluster.

Hollie now found herself walking through the Mussée D'Orsay in Paris, walking towards the Vincent Van Gogh exhibit.

"Thanks for bringing me." Amy looked at the Doctor as she walked into the exhibit, nowhere near as ecstatic as Hollie was on the inside.

"You're welcome." The Time Lord replied, sharing a glance at Hollie for a moment.

Cassiopeia looked between the two with a raised eyebrow before she looked at Amy who spoke again:

"You're being so nice to me. Why are you being so nice to me?"

"I'm always nice to you." He dismissed. "And this trip isn't just for you." He smiled before turning to the girl next to him. "Hollie told me Vincent was her favourite painter and who am I to deny her wish?" He shrugged before quickly kissing the blonde cheek, extremely close to her mouth.

Hollie froze a blush spreading on her cheeks as Amy shook her head and pulled the Doctors attention away from her as she shook her head.

"Not like this. These places you're taking us. The Trojan Gardens, Arcadia, now this. I think it's suspicious." She frowned and Cassiopeia watched the other blonde with a tilted head in wonder. "Hollie?" Amy added.

A Crack in Time [I] (The Rescuers Encomium)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora