The Beast Below - I

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Hollie stared in awe and laughed as Amy's hair started to fan out on its own in space. Her best friend was currently floating outside the TARDIS, only kept in the area of the space ship by the Doctor who held her there by her ankle.

"Come on, Pond." The Doctor pulled her back in. Hollie laughed as Amy did.

"Now do you believe me?" He asked.

"Okay, your box is a spaceship." She nodded. "It's really, really a spaceship. We are in space!" She laughed. "What are we breathing?"

"I've extended the air shell." The Doctor waved an arm. "We're fine."

Hollie looked out of the ship and smiled before she frowned seeing a large looking like a ship come into view. "Doctor, what's that?"

"Now that's interesting." He hummed. "Twenty-ninth century. Solar flares roast the earth, and the entire human race packs its bags and moves out till the weather improves. Whole nations."

The Doctor and Amy headed to the console and looked at the Doctors scanner to get a better look. Hollie yelped when she lost her grip while learning out of the TARDIS and fell out, slowly floating.

"Doctor?" She called.

"Migrating to the stars." He told Amy.


"Isn't that amazing?"

Hollie huffed before shouting louder. "Doctor, help!"

The Doctor walked over to the doors and poked his head out before he frowned. "Come on, Holls. I've found us a spaceship. This is the United Kingdom of Britain and Northern Ireland." He pulled her back into the TARDIS. "All of it bolted together and floating in the sky. Starship UK. It's Britain, but metal." He headed towards the console where Amy was still watching on the scanner. "That's not just a ship, that's an idea. That's a whole country, living and laughing and shopping. Searching the stars for a new home."

"Can we go out and see?" Amy asked.

"Course we can." He nodded. "But first, there's a thing."

"A thing?" Amy and Hollie looked at him.

"An important thing." He nodded. "In fact, Thing One. We are observers only." He explained. "That's the one rule I've always stuck to in all my travels. I never get involved in the affairs of other peoples or planets." Hollie frowned, that wasn't at all how she imagined. "Ooo, that's interesting." He commented after flicking the scanner.

"So we're like a wildlife documentary, yeah?" Amy asked. "Because if they see a wounded little cub or something, they can't just save it, they've got to keep filming and let it die." Hollie frowned at the image of a little girl crying. "It's got to be hard. I don't think I could do that." Amy shook her head. "Don't you find that hard, being all, like, detached and cold?"

Hollie frowned at the image of the Doctor walking towards the crying girl. "That's-"

"Doctor?" Amy looked at the open doors of the TARDIS. The Time Lord smiled and waved them over as the girl ran off.

Amy and Hollie both laughed and headed out of the TARDIS, they stopped and took in the busy market that was in front of them.

"Welcome to London Market." A voice said over a tannoy. "You are being monitored."

"We're in the future." Amy looked at her best friend. "Like hundreds of years in the future."

Hollie laughed and nodded her head in agreement. "And I've been dead for centuries."

Hollie giggled louder and the Doctor sighed. "Oh, lovely. You're a cheery one." He pointed at the ginger. "Never mind dead, look at this place. Isn't it wrong?"

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