Their Choice - I

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Yeah... I'm sorry, I looked at when I last published (I rewrite 'Amy's choice' so I've deleted those chapters and I'm going to republish them) but that was May 2022, it's now July 2023 so I'm honestly really sorry about that one. :/ Since then I've had a new promotion at work, stopped writing for a good while, found the fantastic thing that is Notion and slowly trying to salvage the work I had done before I lost a lot of it due to a windows account hack meaning I lost a LOT of my one drive documents on Scrivener. It's quite sad but luckily before I went over there I didn't delete all of the work I did over on wattpad so there is that. My notes app also have ALL the thoughts I came up with for this series and the Protectors so that's also a plus.

Anyways... I'm sure we do not care much about my life and you're all more interested in what I have been writing. I will be uploading (and already have been) uploading this fic and 'Fighting Against Fire' to the lovely site that is AO3 so if you happen to want to stay up to date and give me some love over there too that would be fantastic <3 My username is elevensbowtiee. 

With that being said lets get into this!


"Rory!" Amy shouted, suddenly dropping the wooden spoon covered in cake mix into the mixing bowl, the bowl wobbling ever so slightly on her very large pregnant belly.

"Rory," she cried out again, "it's starting!"

Running into the kitchen, his ponytail swishing in the wind Rory. "Ah. Okay, okay."

"False alarm," Amy announced, contently licking the cake mix off the spoon.

"What?" He stared at her.

Amy shrugged. "Well, I don't know what it feels like. I've never had a baby before."

The two looked at each other as the sound of the TARDIS engines wheezed. "No." Amy looked at her husband.

"I know," he rolled his eyes, "leaf blowers. Use a rake."

"No, it's." She looked out the front window, barely managing to see the blue box from where she lay on the sofa.

"I knew. I just knew."

Rory ran out just as the Doctor almost tripped over a small rock, Hollie giggling behind him as she too stepped out of the TARDIS.

"Rory!" The Doctor announced.

"Doctor." Rory nodded. "Hollie."

"Hey, Rory." Hollie smiled, joining the Doctor who pointed to where the TARDIS was. "I've crushed your flowers."

"Oh, Amy will kill you."

Hollie frowned. "Where is she?" She looked at Rory. "What did you do?"

"Me!" He looked at her. "Really Holls."

"Seriously though." The Doctor frowned. "Where is Amy?"

"She'll need a bit longer." He replied.

"Whenever you're ready, Amy." The Doctor called out a moment before Amy waddled out the front door, Hollie's eyes widened before she ran over to her friend.

"Hollie!" Amy cheered, the two tightly hugging as best as they could with Amy's large stomach in the way.

"Oh, way-hey! You've swallowed a planet." The Doctor exclaimed as Hollie helped Amy to walk over to join the Doctor and Rory.

"I'm pregnant."

"You're huge."

"Yeah, I'm pregnant."

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