The Hungry Earth - II

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I can't really go back to the Protector with just one chapter out of three for the hungry Earth to go up can I? ;)

Sadly I go back to work tomorrow so the joys of having chapters go up every other day or so is ending now. I won't be able to write as much while at work but I have got a bit ahead on it so hopefully I can keep that up. 

Without further ado lets get into this!


Rory Stood in the cutout grave with Cassiopeia while Nova watched them from above "Do you want sugar?" Elliot questioned, walking over to them and standing beside the blonde looking down into the grave.


"In your tea. Mum's asking."

"No. Just white for me, thanks."

"You two?" He frowned.

"Seven sugars." They replied simultaneously.

"Seven?" He repeatedly.


He frowned for a moment before looking at the grave. "There's only one explanation, as far as I can see."

"What's that, then?" Rory asked.

"The graves eat people." He replied. "Devour them whole, leaving no trace."

"Not sure about that."

"Wouldn't knock it until you know it's false, Rory," Nova added.

Elliot nodded in agreement. "They didn't steal the body from above. They couldn't have got in from the sides. Only other thing is, they get in from underneath."

"Not very likely, though."

"When you've eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth."


"Sherlock." Cassiopeia and Nova said, Elliot smiled.

"Got the audiobook." He replied. The graves round here eat people."


"Is that what happened to Mo?" Tony asked the Doctor. "Are they dead?"

Hollie's eyes widened. "It's not quicksand." The Doctor replied, ignoring the man's question. "She didn't just sink. Something pulled her in. It wanted her."

"The ground wanted her?" Nasreen asked.

"You said the ground was dormant." He pointed at Tony. "Just a patch of earth, when you first saw it this morning. And the drill had been stopped."

"That's right."

"And when you re-started the drill, the ground fought back." Orion raised a brow.

"So what, the ground wants to stop us drilling? I'm sorry but that is ridiculous."

"He's not saying that," the Doctor replied, "and it's not ridiculous, we just don't think it's right." He checked the earth with his sonic. "Oh, of course. It's bio-programming."

"What?" Nasreen asked.

"Bio-programming." He answered. "Oh, it's clever. You use bio-signals to resonate the internal molecular structure of natural objects. It's mainly used in engineering and construction, mostly jungle planets, but that's way in the future and not here. What's it doing here?"

"Sorry, did you just say jungle planets?" Nasreen questioned.

"You're not making any sense, man."

"He usually doesn't," Orion said, Hollie gave a small chuckle, and the Doctor relaxed slightly at the chuckle. At least she gave a small laugh.

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