The Vampires of Venice - II

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And we're back again! Poor Hollie is stuck with the Doctor and Rory who are competing with each other and making note of sizes and Amy and Nova need to be rescued, it's time for the second part of the Vampires of Venice people!


"She was frightened." The Doctor looked at Rory as they walked through the long hallway. "I was frightened, Hollie was frightened." He nodded at the blonde next to him. "But we survived, you know, and the relief of it, and so she kissed me."

"Tried to do a bit more than kiss you," Hollie muttered.

"Yeah, thanks, Hollie." The Doctor glared. "Really helping the situation."

"What?!" Rory stared.

"Oh now he's mad again, thank you Holliaet!"

"Hey!" She snapped. "I'm sorry but I'm just trying to help save my best friends marriage if it's going to be saved the truth should come out."

"Okay so you kissed her back, then what."

"No. I kissed her mouth."

"And you got mad that I said something." Hollie shook her head and Rory sighed.


"Rory." The Doctor stopped walking and shook his head. "Rory, she kissed me because I was there. It would have been you. It should have been you."

"Yeah, it should have been me."

"Exactly. That's why I brought you here."

A strong gust of wind suddenly blew out the torch making Hollie swallow hard and the Doctor grumbled slightly. "Can we go and see the vampires now, please?"


"Control yourself, child." Carlos hissed, his grip tightening on Nova's arm.

The blonde grumbled. "No need to hold on so tight." She huffed, pulling on her arm before stopping as Carlos shoved her into a room that was dimly lit green, the woman who owned the school stood on one side with the vampire girls on the other. "Oh hello."

"Psychic paper." The woman stated. "Did you really think that would work on me?"

Nova smiled slightly. "So you know what it is then?"


The Doctor climbed up the ladder and frowned, looking around the large courtyard. "Amy?" He whispered while pulling Hollie up, the two of them helping Rory out a second later. "Nova?"

"I can't see a thing." Rory frowned and dug into his pocket. "Just as well I brought this, then." He pulled out a small penlight.

The Doctor pulled out a long large, torch from his jacket. "Ultraviolet. Portable sunlight."

"Yours is bigger than mine."

"Boys." Hollie looked between. "Can we not go there." She raised her eyebrows at the suggestiveness of the comment. "Please?"

The two men looked at each other before nodding as they looked back at the blonde.


"Where are you from?" The woman circled Nova. "Did you fall through the Chasm?"

"Mother this is pointless." The woman's son cut in. "Let's just start the process and-"

"Hold your tongue, Francesco." She cut him off. "I need to know what this girl is doing in a world of savages with psychic paper. Who are you with? You see, I scarcely believe your idiot cousin sent you. What are you doing in my school?"

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