Chapter Eleven

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One Year Later

It's been a year since that tragic day in Ambrose. What was meant to be a nice road trip to a football game. It was meant to be fun. Maybe have relationships fixed and new ones made. But it turned into a literal nightmare.

I wasn't able to bury my brother. The same with wade since they both went down with the House of Wax as it burned and melted to the ground. Instead, we had filled two caskets with things that reminded us of them. I put his red hat that I had shoved in my back pocket after taking it from Nick, into the casket. We bury Paige and Blake beside each other and Dalton and Wade on either side of them.

Carly ended up moving to New York to do her internship at InStyle Magazine. Nick and I just bought our first house together and are expecting our first child. He had asked me to marry him a few months after the incident when I was able to come home.

Carly calls once a week and comes to visit on holidays. She's super excited to meet her new nephew. Nick and I have decided that we will be naming him Dalton Jacob Jones. I'll be honest I felt empty without my brother being by my side. There has never been a time where we weren't beside each other. I still go to counseling because I have nightmares every night.

It's always the same thing. Dalton's head snapping off his body in my hand when I tried helping him. Nick has to always wake me up. He says I scream and cry in my sleep. But he just holds me until I fall back to sleep. I'm only ever peaceful when he holds me. We still haven't watched what is on Dalton's camera. Maybe after ten or so years when it's farther in the past. But right now it would be just too hard.

Ever since that day, we have had tons of new reporters and journalists in our faces. Everyone wants us to talk about what happened. But we ignore them. It's calmed down a bit but we still get people asking us to relive that night. We've been asked to come on talk shows as well but never agree.

I've kept all the newspaper clips talking about what happened. I keep them in a scrapbook. As much as I want to forget about it I also in a way don't. It's a reminder of how strong we were, and that we would do anything to survive. It was also a reminder of how fast your life can flash in front of your eyes.

Nick now has a job at the high school as the football coach. And I started writing a book in my spare time when I'm not at the hospital. Nick doesn't know about the book.

But I've called "Surviving The House of Wax," it tells of seven friends who went on a weekend road trip to the most important football game of the year. But their shortcut is blocked off, they pull off for the night. The next day two of them go into an unknown town with a strange man and the other 5 leave for the game only to be stuck in traffic and having to turn around. Only for their lives to be turned upside down.

Maybe when I'm finished and I'm ready too I'll get it published. But until then it's my way of trying to cope with what happened to us. A way to cope with losing my brother and three of my friends.

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