Chapter Two

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A/N: I'm editing this story and noticed I had chapter five for here too so I went back and found the real chapter two.

We followed him down the road and Wade sped up to drive beside Blake. "I hope he's not gonna get us lost," Wade said. As we got up beside him Dalton spoke up "Damn, yo," he said, hitting Nick's arm. We all looked over to see Paige's head bobbing up and down over Blake's lap. "Oh, my god!" Carly said. "What is she doing?!" I said laughing.

Dalton took out his camera and started recording. "Look at her licking that guy!" He said. "You're caught on tape!" Nick leaned forward and honked the horn. "Hello! Oh, my god!" Carly said. Paige looked up and Blake looked over and smiled at us. "Oh, she is so busted!" I said. "Is she gliding herself with that thing?" Nick said.

Paige looked at Blake smiling at us and hit his arm before pulling her phone out. Carly's phone started ringing and she picked it up. "You're so busted!" She said, "She dropped her lip bomb," Carly said. "Yeah, sure okay," I said and grabbed the phone. "You're caught red-handed," I said before Carly took the phone back.

"So, what's up?" Carly asked. "Why don't we just camp out? I mean, we're close enough, right?" She asked. Blake honked his horn and drove ahead of us. It was decided we would just find a place and camp out and get up early tomorrow. "Hey, wax museum," Wade said. As we passed a sign that said Trudy's famous house of wax. "You like that kind of stuff Wade?" Nick asked and I rolled my eyes before leaning up a little to whisper in his ear.

"Don't start," I said. "Yeah, I don't know sometimes," Wade replied. "Yeah, I guess if you like things pretending to be other things, which you obviously do. Right sis?" Nick said. Carly turned around to glare at him and I sat up. "You just can't stop can you?" I asked and moved over closer to Dalton. I threw my legs over his and laid my head on his shoulder with my arm linked with his.

He looked down at me and then over to Nick who was staring at me. "Really, man?" Dalton asked and wrapped his arms around me. We drove down a dirt road and over an old wooden bridge and parked in a field. Once Wade put the car in park and shut it off he and Carly got out and let us out. Dalton got out and as I went to move over to climb out next Nick grabbed my arm, "Babe." I turned to look at him and raised my eyebrow at him. "I'm sorry. Okay?" He said.

"Yeah, whatever," I said and pulled my arm out of his grip and got out of the car. He got out and stretched, "Your car sucks dude," Dalton said. "Paige, come with me," Carly said. I knew she wanted to talk to her about if she said anything to Blake about thinking she might be pregnant. I went to follow when Nick stopped me again by wrapping his arms around my waist.

"I love you. Don't be mad at me," he whispered in my ear and kissed my neck. I sighed and turned in his hold looking up at him. He still had his arms wrapped around my waist. "Can you not just for one weekend please not fight with Carly or Wade," I said."No promises," he said like always. "Right," I said and went to move but he held me closer. "Nick," I said.

He looked at me and pushed a piece of hair behind my ear. "You're beautiful," he said. "Don't think that shit is going to get you out of troub...." I started to say but was cut off by him crashing his lips into mine.

The boys got everything out of the car and started setting things up. Nick let go of me and grabbed a chair and the beer. He set the chair up away from everyone and sat down. He lite a cigarette up and grabbed a beer and just sat watching everyone.

I was helping Dalton set up our tent as well as mine and Nick's tent but Dalton was staying with us since he forgot his own tent. "Aw, yeah!" Blake said, pulling out a football. He and Wade passed it back and forth while Dalton was in the middle trying to catch it. I was with the girl's but got up and walked over to Nick while I watched my brother try to get the ball.

"Hey, you alright?" I asked Nick. He looked up at me and nodded. I moved and sat on his lap and wrapped my arms around his neck. He took a hit from his cigarette and turned his head to blow the smoke away from me.

"Touch down!" Wade yelled.

The football landed in front of Nick's feet. Wade turned around and held his hands up as a way to say pass the ball. I stood up and Nick just looked at Wade and flicked his cigarette on the ground beside him. I knew what Nick was planning. Wade sighed and walked over to him. When he went to bend down to get the ball Nick dropped his beer and grabbed it and threw it at Blake who caught it with a grunt.

Nick went and bent down grabbing his beer when Wade spoke up, "Nice arm," he said. I sighed and looked over to Carly. I knew there was going to be a fight if we didn't step in. "I see why they gave you a scholarship," Wade said. "Yeah, it's a real tragedy, ain't it?" Nick said while discreetly flicking him off. "Yeah, it is," Wade said.

Carly came over and stood in front of Wade while I went and stood beside Nick and wrapped my arms around his waist. He looked down at me and put his arm around my shoulder before looking back at Wade.

"Wade. Help Dalton, okay?" Carly said. Wade just stood there "please," she said and he looked at her before walking off. "Bye Wade," Nick said and I hit his chest. "Stop," I whispered. "Asshole," Wade said as he was walking away.

Carly turned around and looked at Nick. "You know what? You can be a prick to me, that's fine, but he didn't do anything to you," she said. "Hmm. So you admit that you did something," Nick said. "I admit, according to you I did something. sure," Carly said. "You dimed me out," Nick said.

He had taken the blame for Dalton when he stole and wrecked a car. But Carly didn't know that he never told her or his parents. I only knew about it because Dalton told me knowing I would break up with Nick for going to jail again. I couldn't deal with going through that again. So Dalton confessed it was him and Nick took the blame for him. But Nick knew none of that of course. For all he knew was that I thought it was him.

"I did not dime you out," Carly said. "When the sheriff asked me where you got the car, I said I didn't know," she told him. "I didn't even know it was stolen. And you're blaming that on me?"

"You could have covered for me, huh?" Nick said, lifting his hand from my shoulder. "You got caught for stealing a car and it's my fault. You're resisting arrest and it's the cop's fault," Carly said. Nick laughed bitterly but I could hear the sadness too. "Well, he took a swing at me, you know?" He said. "Look, get kicked off the football team, it's the coach's fault," Carly said.

Nick was captain of the football team and had a scholarship to Florida State but he got in trouble and got kicked off the team and lost his scholarship. "Mom and dad kicked you out of the house, it's their fault," she continued. Nick just laughed and put his face in my hair then kissed my head before looking back at Carly as she continued. "You can't even keep a job for more than two weeks, because it's every manager' s fault."

"I'm surrounded by idiots," Nick said. I scuffed "thanks," I said and went to move away but he pulled me back into him. "You know I didn't mean you," he said. "So why did you come, to piss me off?" Carly asked. Nick took a drink of his beer and laughed. "Don't you get it?" He said. "You're the good twin. I'm the evil one," he tells her.

"Grow up. I don't even know how YN deals with you or why she's with you," Carly said. "Wow. Don't bring me into this, Carly," I said standing in front of her. "I love you. I do. But why I'm with Nick has nothing to do with any of this," I told her.

"You're right, I'm sorry," she said before Nick pulled me back to him. "You're so afraid to take things seriously," She told Nick. "Oh yeah. As afraid as Wade is of leaving good ol' Gainesville? Huh?" Nick said. "Nick," I hissed a warning. He continued in a hillbilly accent "New York City. Well, I hear they got buildings as tall as the sky!" "Okay," she whispered, nodding her head before walking away.

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