Chapter Ten

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"You son of a bitch!" Nick yelled and pushed a table at Vincent who just pushed it out of the way. Vincent cut Nick's back and Carly went after him. He ended up throwing her and she landed on the ground.

I dropped to my knees holding my stomach. 'This is how I die, huh?' I thought to myself. When Carly had fallen she hit a lever that made flames shoot up through the floor. Nick wrestled with Vincent. He went over to Carly "come on, Carly! Move it! Move!" He told her before dumping the wax and making flames separate Vincent from us.

Nick came over and picked me up and ran after Carly. We ran up the steps and Dalton had been pushed down. The ones that lead to the House Of Wax. We stopped and Nick put me on my feet but held on to me so I wouldn't fall. Carly gasped, "No. Oh, my god Wade," she said. "Come on," Nick said and we walked through a pair of doors. Nick stopped and I looked up to see Bo. He looked at me and smirked, "My brother was right, you are sexy," he said.

Nick glared and gritted his teeth. "You sick fuck!" He screamed and let go of me. He launched himself at Bo. When they landed Bo flipped Nick over his head and Nick landed hard. They got up and No swinging hitting Nick in the jaw. "Nick!" I gasped. Carly held onto me so I wouldn't fall. I still held my stomach that was bleeding profusely.

Bo kept hitting Nick then he launched him into the wax people and furniture. "Nick!" I screamed. Carly yelled and ran over hitting No in the back with the bat. He grunted and turned around punching her in the face. She fell back and landed on the floor knocked out. The bat went flying out of her hands and No went back to Nick.

He was at Nick but he dodged it landing a punch on Bo's cheek. Bo grabbed Nick and head-butted him. I looked over to the bat seeing the floor was melting as the flames came up through it. I stumbled over and grabbed the bat. I saw Bo had Nick held by the throat. "Nick! The arrow!" I screamed.

He grabbed the arrow and pulled Bo scream in pain as they fell to the floor. Nick started punching him over and over again. I gasped when he stabbed Nick in the leg. Bo then kicked Nick off of him. "Nick!" I yelled.

I ran at Bo and brought the bat up and hit him under the jaw making him fly backward. I walked over and stood over him. "Fuck you!" I screamed and hit him repeatedly in the head until Nick yelled. "YN, behind you!" He yelled. I turned around to see Vincent walking towards me and he let out a scream. Carly came over to me and grabbed my hand. We went over to Nick as Vincent knelt beside Bo.

"Nick, get up, please!" I said as we tried helping her up. Vincent looked at me "Run! Go Carly, get her out of here!" Nick yelled. Carly grabbed me and we ran up the stairs. I heard Nick screaming at Vincent. "Vincent! Vincent! I swear to god if you hurt her!" We ran up another set of stairs and into what looked to be a master bedroom. Carly shut the door and pushed a crib with two wax babies that were joined at the head in front of the door.

We stumbled back as Vincent cut through the door with his knife. He threw the crib out of the way and Carly pushed me behind her.I was starting to feel light-headed and tired. I was bleeding badly as I tried to stop it by putting pressure on it with my hand but the blood just seeped through my fingers.

No, listen to me. Listen to me," Carly said to Vincent holding her hand up. "I heard you talking. You don't need to do this. You don't need to do this! Please. You're not a freak. Bo was lying to you, he used you. You really think your mother would want this? Please don't kill us!" She said.

Vincent walked over to the bed and we screamed and ran for the door. As we ran out Nick ran in and tackled him "motherfucker!" He yelled. But Vincent threw him on the bed and hovered over him. He went to bring the knife down but Nick stopped him. I had stopped at the door looking back. "YN!" Nick yelled and looked at the knife in his leg.

I stumbled over to him and looked at him "I'm sorry," I said and pulled the knife out of his leg making him scream. Vincent looked at me and I gasped. He went to hit me and I screamed. Nick stopped him and yelled "do it. Do it now!"

I went forward smiling on the wax mask and stabbed Vincent in the stomach like he did me. I did it a few times before Nick kicked Vincent off of him. He fell through the floor as flames engulfed the house. We ended up falling through the floor as well and landed on the second floor. I groaned in pain and Nick lifted me. We moved back as the floor started to collapse.

"What do we do?" I asked. Carly started to dig and told us to help. All three of us dug until we made a big enough hole. Carly went out first and helped me out. Nick came out after and held onto me as I was getting weaker. We were in between the W and X where the A should have been. We waited as the house melted and we got close enough to the ground.

We slid down and walked away from the burning and melting house. I could feel myself getting weak and my knees started to buckle. Nick life's me up in his arms "Hey, YN! Keep those eyes open for me, babygirl," he said.

Nick limped as he carried me and eventually once further away from the melting house he sat down with me still in arms. I coughed and blood came out of my mouth and ran down my chin and neck. I looked up at Nick with tears in my eyes "I... I... I love... you," I stumbled out as best I could.

Everything was just numb now and I was cold. I could feel myself fading away as I looked into Nick's blue eyes. "No. No, baby, stay with me. You can't leave me," he said, tears filling his eyes. "I'm sorry," I whispered. "No!" He said holding me closer as black started to surround me. The last thing I heard was sirens.

"Hey, hey, that's my friend's camera! That's my friend's camera!" I slowly opened my eyes to see Carly and Nick who were yelling at someone. "Nick," I whispered in a raspy voice. "Fuck, thank god," he said coming over to me and kissing my forehead. "You're going to be okay, babygirl," he said and brushed my hair back. "Sorry son, that's evidence. You guys okay?" An officer said walking up to the ambulance we were in.

Nick scuffed. "Well don't worry, we'll get you home. "How could no one know about all this?" Carly asked. "Truth is, this town is hard as hell to get to. It's been abandoned for ten years ever since the sugar mill shut down. Hell, It ain't even on the map anymore," the officer said.

"Found all those cars in that old factory. Those Sinclair boys have been pulling people off the interstate for years. If it wasn't for all the smoke from the fire, we wouldn't have even known," he told us.

The officer walked away. We looked out at everything when Nick got up and walked away only to return a few minutes later. We got in the ambulance and they drove off. Nick sat near me and held my hand. He took something out of his coat.

"There's some good memories on this," he said, pulling out Dalton's camera. "You took it?" Carly said. "Felt wrong leaving it behind," he said and squeezed my hand. "You okay?" Carly asked him. "We're okay," he said, smiling at her. As we passed I saw the creepy man from the pit of roadkill. He smiled and waved. And my eyes widened.

Nick had moved so he could kiss me. He leaned his forehead against mine and looked me in the eyes. "I love you," he whispered. I smiled at him "I love you too," I said.

Surviving The House Of Wax (Nick Jones x Reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum