Chapter Eight

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Dalton and I walked down the road a little to see the House Of Wax up on the hill. "Should we look in there? Wade mentioned it yesterday," Dalton said. "I mean, I guess," I said. We walked up the hill to the House Of Wax. Walking up the steps we noticed the door was open. "Dalton, I don't know about this. I have a bad feeling," I said. "Just a quick pass," he said. We walked in and I shut the door behind us. "Hello?" Dalton said. "Hello? Anyone here?" He asked.

I looked around at everything. The people, the furniture, everything was wax including the House. "Carly! Wade!" I yelled. "Hello?" Dalton said. "Anyone here?" "This place is weird," he said to me."D, I don't like this. Something isn't right," I said. He grabbed my hand, "I won't let anything happen to you," he said and we continued to walk. "Hello?" He yelled again.

"No one is here," I said. "Carly?" He yelled. "Carly? Wade?" We walked into another room to see Wade sitting at a piano. I could tell right away something wasn't right. "Wade. What the hell are you doing, bro?" Dalton said."Wait, Dalton, something isn't right," I said and walked over to Wade. I touched his face and jumped back. "Oh, my god!" I said.

"What?" Dalton said. "Man, Come on, Everyone's waiting for you at the campsite," Dalton said. "Dalton," I said. He looked at Wade. "Wade?" He said. He likes his cheek and his finger up a dent in it. He gasped and jumped back. Wade's eyes looked at us. "Oh, my god," I said.

"Holy shit, man," Dalton said. Hold tight, man. Hold tight," He went and started to peel the wax away only to pull his face off with it. "Oh, my god! Dalton stop!" I said. All of a sudden a big guy came towards us "Dalton!" I screamed. He turned around and moved out of the way right before the guy brought a huge knife down onto Wade and cut half his jaw off.Dalton grabbed my hand and started running. "Run, YN!" He yelled.

We ran into a dining room knocking over chairs and then into a kitchen. We started throwing wax plates at the guy. Dalton grabbed my hand again and we ran through the door. And came to stairs with wax faces on the walls. "Hold on. Hold on," Dalton said only for both of us to be knocked down the stairs. After landing Dalton screamed at me "run, YN! Run!" "I can't leave you!" I yelled.

"Fucking go!" He yelled and I cried getting up and ran down the hall. I eventually came back outside the House and ran back into town. I ran down to the gas station. "Nick! Nick!" I screamed. I saw Nick and Caryl across the street at a house "Nick!" I scream and run faster. He stopped and turned to look at me. "YN?" He said. I ran right into him. "baby, what's wrong? Where's Dalton?" He said. "He tried to kill us, Nick!" I said crying.

"What? Baby, who? Who tried to kill you? Where is Dalton?" He asked. I just cried in his chest until he pulled me away making me look at him. "Baby, talk to me. Where's Dalton?" he said."He... He told me to Run. I left him there, Nick! With the guy who tried killing us!" I said. "What if he's dead? It'll be my fault! I left him!" I cried.

He pulled me into him and looked at Carly. I wasn't about to mention Wade to her. Not right now at least. "Okay, come on," he said. Nick held me close as we walked up behind the House. We walked around the fence "he said he had a brother right?" Nick asked. "Yeah," Carly said. "Vincent," Nick said.

"At the House Of Wax, he did all the sculptures," Carly told him. "He's got to be the one that does the wax.""Under the House of Wax, is some kind of basement or something. There were faces carved in the walls. Everything is wax," I said. "What if he's around here somewhere?" Carly asked. Nick looked through a gap in the fence. "Yeah," he said.

He turned around grabbing my hand. "Wait. Nick, what are you doing?" Carly asked. "You gotta be careful."

"I am being careful," he said as we came to a store. In the window was a wax person holding a crossbow. "Nick, you can't break that window. It'll make too much noise. He'll hear us," I said. He went through the wrench he had, both listening to me. "No, no, no, no, no," Carly stopped him. "YN is right. It'll make too much noise. Why do you have to be so damn stubborn? He'll find us." "Yeah, chances are he will anyway. At least with this, he might not want to find us," Nick said and threw the wrench. He hopped up in the window and grabbed the crossbow.

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