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{2, 461 words}

There was no doubt Jungkook's social media was overflowing. He hasn't even tapped on any social app in 3 days. Now, for most people, it's not that bad. But for someone as huge as Jungkook, it was a big problem. So, now, he was sitting in Jimin's room, playing a game with him to distract themselves. Ever since their concert, Jungkook's had a constant migraine. You'd think he shouldn't be playing on a TV with a headache, but he didn't care. He was alone with Jimin at their dorm, since Jungkook's headaches were too much to move a lot, and Jimin wanted to stay back just to make sure the maknae would be okay.

"We should do something productive." Jimin spoke up after he lost the last round of Mariocart. "You're just sad that you keep losing." Jungkook smirked evily at him. "We should be writing songs." Jimin suggested. "We're taking a break from reality. It's how we stay sane." Jungkook laughed, looking up to Jimin from the floor. "Yeah but, I feel like we should be doing something more..." Jimin trailed off, obviously losing thought. "Something more adult-y?" Jungkook finished for him. "Yes! Exactly. We're not teenagers, we have jobs-" "You always play with Tae hyung, and now you want to do productive adult things?" Jungkook asked with a pout. "Well I was just suggesting-" "What if we go on a shopping spree and buy weird things with Jin hyung's credit card." Jungkook smirked. "Oooh yeah~" Jimin smirked down at him. Jungkook giggled like a child as he quickly shut off the TV, and Jimin ran into Jin and RM's room. Once everything was shut off, the two met in the living room like spies.

"So I think Jin hyung took his card with him because I couldn't find it, but I found Namjoon hyung's card." Jimin giggled evily, holding up their leaders credit card. "Yay- okay, what store should we go to first?" Jungkook asked, wanting to make a plan. "We could go to the Gucci store for Tae-" "No, we're buying weird things. Not clothes." Jungkook cut him off. "10,000 rubber duckies!" Jimin chirped excitedly. "Oooooh and then we can fill up their room and bathroom with them!" Jungkook laughed. "But where are we gonna find so many-" "We go to every single bath store in the mall, and just snatch everything." Jungkook brainstormed. "But we can't carry 10 boxes full of 1,000 rubber ducks- or how ever many are in a box." Jimin huffed. "We'll go to the studio, and bring our assistants with us for the help." Jungkook explained. "...alright, lets go!" Jimin laughed, already running for the door. Jungkook quickly followed his hyung, and had Jimin text their assistants while he drove the two to BigHit Entertainment.


"Wait wait wait so we're doing what now?" Jimin's assistant laughed, trying to process what the two males had in mind. "We're going to the mall, and buying a crap ton of weird stuff with Namjoon's credit card." Jimin explained. "Does he even know about this-" "Nope- and you can't say a word." Jungkook told the two. The two assistants thought for a second, but agreed to the prank happily. Jimin and his 3 minions snuck out of the industry the same way they snuck in, and couldn't contain his laughter when they got into the car. Jungkook sat in the passenger seat with the two assistants in the back.


"I need every single rubber duck you have." Jungkook's assistant told the store clerk with a evil smirk. The four just couldn't stop laughing since they entered the mall. ", the ones for-" "Yeah, the ones for a child in a bath- yes." Jungkook's assistant nodded. The clerk hesitantly nodded, and went into the back to look at their stock.

"What are we buying after this, hyung?" Jungkook asked Jimin, still giggling like a child. "I have no idea." Jimin smiled, looking around the store for anything stupid. "Butter." Jimin's assistant blurted out. Jungkook burst into laughter, and the other people in the store were confused. "That's food, Namjoon hyung might think Jin hyung stole his card for food." Jimin laughed. "True." His assistant nodded.

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