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"Hey, Jungkook." Bang-PD smiled down at the maknae who was playing a game on his phone. "Hello, sir." Jungkook immediately looked up from his phone, feeling a bit nauseous from forcefully throwing up his breakfast just a few minutes ago. Twice. "I was thinking, since you can't really practice choreography, why don't you come to my office with me to discuss lyrics for the comeback?" Bang-PD suggested. "Of course." Jungkook smiled, standing up from the floor. Bang-PD smiled at the hard-working members, and went with the maknae to his studio.


"Where's Kookie?" Jimin asked, out of breath. "I think, I think he went with Bang-PD for lyric writing." Jin panted. "Makes sense." Jimin agreed, wanting to flop down on the floor and die of exhaustion. "Is he gonna come back with us to, the dorm?" J-Hope questioned. "I'll text him." Suga told them as he tried to catch his breath. He grabbed his phone, despite his arms feeling numb, and texted the maknae asking when he'd be done.

After the members caught their breath and we're ready to go home for a warm shower, Jungkook messaged Suga back. "He said they'll be there for a while, so I guess he's not coming home with us tonight." Suga told them. "Alright-" "I CALL FIRST SHOWER!" Taehyung yelled loudy, his voice echoing in the big practice room. "We all have our own showers, Taehyung..." RM told him. "Oh yeah, hehe." Taehyung laughed at his forgetfulness, causing Jimin to spark a laugh as well. "We'll let's get home so we can all shower." Jin told his members as he grabbed his phone and water bottle. The other members agreed, and in less than 10 minutes, they were on their way back to their dorm.


The eldest member of BTS was the first to wash up, and he wanted to make dinner. But he was banned from the kitchen, which only made him a little frustrated. 'What they don't know won't hurt them' Jin thought about making them a quick dinner so he wouldn't get caught. After just a few seconds of thinking and lip-biting, he decided to cook something small and quick. He rushed into the kitchen, and began to make whatever he could in 10 minutes.

Until the fifth eldest emerged into the kitchen, that is.

Jin spun around at the sound of a gasp, and was met eye-to-eye with Jimin.

"Hyung-!" "Sh!" Jin placed his hand over Jimin's mouth to shush him like an older sibling would to their younger sibling. "Be quiet." He whispered to him. Jin placed his right arm around the back of Jimin's neck, and looked around cautiously before taking the eldest maknae into the closest room-the bathroom, like a kidnapper.

"Hyung how could you be in the kitchen you know you're not allowed you broke a rule-" "I said be quiet!" Jin cut him off in a harsh whisper. "What will it take for you to be quiet about this?" He asked the younger, deciding not to be surprised if he said candy. "" Jimin smirked up at Jin evily. "Yes. What do you want?" Jin knew this was probably a bad idea, considering the maknae line were the most sneakiest. "Hm..." Jimin pretended to think.

"You have to convince Namjoon hyung to let Tae Tae be in the rap line."

"How am I supposed to do that?!"

"I don't know, just do it."

"I can't."

"Then I'll go tell everyone you were not only in the kitchen, but cooking in the kitchen." Jimin said rather smartly before trying to escape. "Jimin, Taehyung is in the vocal line, it's not changing. We both know that is literally impossible." Jin stopped Jimin from leaving. "Nothing's impossible. Have fun talking with Namjoon hyung!" Jimin sprinted out of the bathroom, accidentally bumping Jin into the counter. "Ouch! Hey- get back here!" Jin ran after Jimin like he had his phone, or something very important.

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