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RM felt tears in his eyes out of fear as he was pushed back by a doctor, and his heart skipped about 10 beats in total as his hands went over his mouth and close to his face.

The doctors were trying to pin Jungkook down so no one got hurt, while another was trying to give him a drug to stop the seizure. A nurse was looking between the clock and Jungkook, counting every second. Luckily the seizure only lasted a few seconds, and Jungkook's body relaxed completely against the hospital bed. "17 seconds." The nurse announced after Jungkook's heart beat calmed down, and a steady rythem began to beep.

RM was in too much shock to text Jin, or anyone. He was too terrified to even move. He was frozen in his place.

Jungkook's doctor ordered a blood test so see why her patient just had a seizure. By the time RM finally blinked as he slowly came back to reality, Jungkook made a low noise, and the doctors realized he was waking up.

"Hey there sir, how do you feel?" Jungkook's doctor asked him a bit slower than normal, taking his hand in hers. Jungkook blinked a few times, and stared up at the doctor like he didn't know what to do. He looked worried and confused, and his entire body felt numb. His head was still pounding heavily, and it still hurt just as much. The bright light wasn't helping, and moving his eyes to look for his hyung's made his head hurt even more.

"Can you tell me your name?" The doctor asked, also requesting for the lights to be dimmed a bit more. Jungkook groaned as he kept his eyes closed for a few seconds, and his arms and legs began to tingle as the feeling slowly returned. "Can you tell me your name, sir?" The doctor asked, thinking he forgot how to talk from the seizure. "U-uh..." Jungkook stammered out, confused on why it was darker in his room. He looked around the floor, and finally saw RM standing against the wall. The two made eye-contact, and Jungkook held an unreadable expression.

"Kook-" "Jeongguk." Jungkook looked over at the doctor. "Okay, that's good!" The doctor smiled. "A-and that's Namjoonie." Jungkook pointed over to RM like he was drunk. "Okay, can you squeeze my hand as hard as you can?" His doctor asked, securing their grip on his hand. Jungkook hesitantly squeezed the doctors hand as hard as he could, and the doctor was slightly taken back at the patient's strength. "Alright, this is good. Do you know what happened?" Jungkook was asked, and he looked down at his lap as he tried to remember. He carefully shook his head no, his head hurting with every movement. "My head hurts, c-can I have some Tylenol or something?" Jungkook sighed, making eye-contact with his doctor.

"Well, we're going to take a break from medicine for just a few minutes until we know why you had a seizure, okay?" The doctor explained, letting go of Jungkook's hand. "What? I-I what?!" Jungkook asked in surprise, bring terrified of hurting himself. "You had a seizure- but it was only a few seconds, and from a visual exam, it doesn't look like it was too bad or caused any harm." The doctor explained. "B-but-" Jungkook cut himself off as he looked over to RM, but quickly regretted it once the light from the hall reached his eyes. While RM ran over to Jungkook to surprise at how relieved he was that he was okay, the doctor asked how the tests were going, and closed the blinds.

"God Kookie I was so scared I'm so sorry for trying to make you do something you didn't want to I'm so sorry." RM hugged the maknae tightly, which probably wasn't his brightest idea. "I-'m fine, hyung. But I'm tired now, and the light's really bright." Jungkook quickly hugged RM back, and separated the two. "I can stay with him for a while, right?" RM asked, turning around to face the doctor. "Of course you can. I will be right back, and if you want to, you should rest. Your concussion could've gotten worse, so when you feel alright enough, we'll take you up for a head scan. I will be right back to check on the blood test, and I want you to relax." The doctor told the two with a calmed yet serious expression. RM nodded, and moved a green chair closer to Jungkook's bed before sitting down.

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