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{2, 521 words}

Jungkook's POV:

'This was bad. I'm not supposed to do this. I can't just give up. I have millions of people looking up to me. Millions of people are alive because of me. I can't just start doing this because I'm sad.'

"But you will, because you do things you aren't supposed to do."

"Yeah, that's why your amazing, successful bandmates despise your pathetic, lazy body."

"Jungkook, you are not lazy, you are not pathetic, you are not stupid." I told myself as the voices came back. "Please go away."

"Why would we do that? We're friends. You don't push friends away when you need them the most, do you?"

"Oh, he does. He doesn't do things most people do. Like succeed, and have a good body weight. Those are just to start. The list goes on way more than that."

"Leave me be!" I shouted at myself, tears falling onto my bathroom floor.

"Fine. We'll leave you so you can be more pathetic then you already are. Just go ahead and throw up your dinner. It'll make you ugly and fat. Then your bandmates will definitely hate you more than they already do."

When I heard that, I couldn't help but feel the need to puke. Jiminie hating me? Tae Tae despising me? Namjoonie scolding me? Hobi ignoring me? Yoongi hyung hurting me? Jin hyung yelling at me? No, I don't want that.


"Good job, stupid. I didn't think you had the guts to do that. That's one thing you can actually do good in. I'm genuinely impressed..."

I opened my eyes from crying and wincing, and my dinner was in the white toilet bowl. I wiped my mouth with my arm as the voices left. Finally.

Why was I like this? Why am I so vonerable? Why did I do this to myself? Why was I even here? Why am I so scared of losing my hyung's?

I can't be like this anymore.

Yoongi's POV:

"Fine." I scoffed as I turned off my phone to go get Jungkook. Why was he still in his room anyway? We had a meeting in an hour. "Thank you, Yoongi." Jin thanked as he started tying his boots. "Whatever." I whispered under my breath, not wanting to start another fight with him. I was so done with his amazing self-esteem.

"Jungkook, let's go." I sighed as I knocked on his wall. Luckily, his bedroom door was open. But his bathroom door was closed. Was he for real taking a shower?!

"Jungkook, hurry up." I told him as I knocked on the bathroom door. I literally took a step back when I heard it. "Jungkook, you alright?" I asked as I quickly stepped back to the door.

"Please go away."

I heard him throwing up just a second ago, and now he was crying. Was he sick? "Kook, can I come in?" I questioned as I stood against the door. Nothing. Suddenly,

"Leave me be!"

"Don't yell at me." I scoffed. This kid had no respect sometimes. Silence. It was quiet for a long time. 

"Jungkook!" I knocked again after standing there for 3 minutes. I'm so sick of him thinking he can ignore us because he's the maknae. He's so f*cking annoying.

"Jung-" I immediately stopped when I heard him throwing up again. I opened the bathroom door, and I saw him mumbling things to himself. "Kook, are you okay?" I asked as I knelt down next to him. His dinner was absolutely everywhere.

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